田植え地蔵 - The Ta Ue Jizo
There are many stories of the great god, Jizo. Here is one of them. They all show the carefree heart of the Japanese, and their association with religion and nature. I will tell one more for you.
In the old days, it was the custom to share labor, and to perform labor as a form of tax. This was not voluntary, but compulsory. The story is: Once upon a time, near the Grand Shrine of Taisha, an old couple lived who worshipped a wooden statue of Jizo. Sadly, the wife died. Thereafter, the old man lived alone and he also became ill.
At that same time, the village chief told everyone to come and help plant rice in his fields. The old man, too sick to go, worried about his punishment, and prayed to his family Jizo for mercy. On the day for planting the rice, the village chief called the name of each householder. When the old man’s name was called, a 17-year-old youth stepped forward.
He was accepted in place of the old man and worked so hard and well that the chief gave him a sake cup as a reward when the work was done. The boy put the cup on his head and went home. The next day, the chief came to tell the old man of the boy’s good work. The old man was quite surprised at this, because he knew nothing about such a boy. He felt that the boy had come because of the Jizo, and he went to him to pray. When he confronted his statue and started to pray, he noticed with amazement that there was a cup on the Jizo’s head, and that its feet were covered with mud!
老人の代わりとして認められた少年は一生懸命働いたため、長は田植えが終わった後彼に杯を褒美として授けます。少年は杯を頭の上に乗せ家路に着きました。 次の日、村の長が少年の見事な働きぶりについて話そうと老人の家を訪れました。そのような少年のことなど知らぬ老人はたいそう驚きます。お地蔵さまにお祈りしたためにその子がやってきたのだと感じた老人は、お地蔵さんの元へお祈りに向かいました。 お地蔵さんと向かい合いお祈りを始めたとき、老人は頭の上に杯を乗せ足を泥で汚したお地蔵さまに気付き仰天します。
Then he realized that his little god had done the work himself. All over Japan, there are many stories of the Ta Ue Jizo. The two that I have told you concern our own Izumo no Kuni, and I thought you might be interested in them. It is such customs and stories that have continued to hold my interest in the Izumo no Kuni of legend.