実証に関する注釈 - Commentary on Verification
The catastrophic events that are told of in these legends, happened all over the world at about the same time. For instance, the Sun stopped over Israel. It is recorded in the Bible. Egypt suffered terrible plagues, which are written about in the Old Testament. In fact, almost all countries have stories of awful hap-penings at that time.
Some are like Japan’s old myths, and exist in Central America, North America, Europe, China, and almost all other countries! In Amaterasu’s story, the Sun hid! To read about the subjects, there are some books, beside the Bible, that explain a lot of what happened to cause these myths to be remembered for centuries. One is a book titled, “Worlds in Collision,” written by a very famous author named Immanuel Velikovsky. This book had the high society of scientists, physicists, and historians in argument with each other for years.
天照の物語の中では、太陽が姿を隠してしまいますが、日本神話に似た物語は中央アメリカ、北米、欧州、中国を始め全世界に存在します。このテーマについて読んでいくうえで、何世紀にもわたり記憶され続けるこうした神話を生み出した出来事について解説している本は聖書以外にもあります。 著名な作家・エマニュエル・ブリコフスキーの「衝突する惑星」は、そうした本の中の1冊です。本書をめぐっては、一流の科学者や物理学者、および歴史家たちの間で何年にもわたり論争が繰り広げられました。
Another book by him, titled, “Earth in Upheaval,” again shocked the scientific world of his time, and caused a great many arguments between reputable scientists, some of whom believed in Velikovsky, and some who didn’t. According to his research and ancient mythology, I believe that Susanoo’s story is of Venus passing theEarth, and causing great destruction. Susanoo was Venus! It also explains his reputation for violence!
Then the space shuttles started to operate, and visit other planets. Positive proof of Velikovsky’s claims was found again and again, as the results of the exploration of space became known. His observations show that great calamities did, in fact, occur. That is why they became myths, remembered for years by people who had no written language to record them.
その後、スペースシャトルが宇宙に飛び立ちほかの惑星にまで手が届くようになります。そして、探査結果が明らかになるにつれブリコフスキーの主張を裏付ける証拠が次々と発見されていきました。 ブリコフスキーの観察は、大災害が実際に発生したことを示しています。そして、それが神話となり文字を用いて記録するという術を持たなかった当時の人々の間で長い間記憶されてきたのです。
The great books prove that the old myths had some facts to back them up, and were not just dreams! The complete extinction of races of humans, and types of creatures, are well explained, and proven by these ancient records.