須勢理と大国主の命 - Suseri and Okuninushi no Mikoto
In the history and the legends of the Izumo no Kuni, one of the great gods is Okuninushi. Two of his many other names are Onamuchi (in the Kojiki [712], and the Izumo no Kuni Fudoki [733], two of the oldest books in Japan); and Daikoku, a name used in religious ways. His name of pure Izumo origin is, “The Great God Who Governs All Under Heaven.”
Okuninushi is first mentioned in the story of the White Rabbit of Inaba. This tale tells of his adventure with a white rabbit, and his marriage to the Princess Yakami of Inaba. It is symbolized by statues at the Taisha Shrine, which are found on the left, just before entering the shrine. He was killed twice by his jealous brothers, but brought back to life by his mother’s entreaties to the gods of Japan.
He then left the country for a while, and found another lovely girl named Princess Suseri. They fell in love. She was the great Susanoo’s daughter and he was very protective of her. He tried to kill Okuninushi two times, once in a room full of snakes, and again in a room full of scorpions and spiders. He failed because Suseri gave Okuninushi a scarf which protected him. A third effort was made when Susanoo asked Okuninushi to recover his humming arrow from a field of high grass. When Okuninushi entered the field, Susanoo set it afire from all sides.
しばらくの間国を留守にした大国主は、須勢理という美しい女性と出会い、二人は恋に落ちます。 須勢理は偉大な神、須佐之男の娘でした。娘を手放したくない須佐之男は、まず蛇でいっぱいの部屋で、続いてクモとサソリでいっぱいの部屋で大国主を殺そうとしますが、大国主は須勢理から渡された襟巻きによって守られ、須佐之男の企ては失敗に終わります。3度目の試みとして須佐之男は、高い草で生い茂った野原の中から鳴鏑を見つけてきてくれるよう大国主に頼みます。そして彼が草原の中へ入っていったところで四方から火を放ちました。
Okuninushi was rescued by rats. After the fire had burned out, the rats gave the arrow to Okuninushi, and he returned it to Susanoo, who was amazed that he could escape such a fierce blaze. Since that time, the rat has been the creature most closely related to Daikoku, who became one of the Seven Lucky Gods. After escaping all dangers Susanoo put before him, Okuninushi was invited into the main castle, where he lulled Susanoo to sleep by crushing the bugs in his hair. Then he tied Susanoo’s long hair to the rafters of the castle, took Susanoo’s biwa, bow, sword and Suseri, and ran away.
しかし、大国主はねずみたちの助けにより、ここでも難を逃れます。火が収まると大国主はねずみたちから受け取った鳴鏑を手に須佐之男の元に戻り、それを手渡しました。須佐之は燃え盛る炎の中から生きて帰ってきた大国主に驚くばかりです。以来ねずみは、七福神の一人に数えられる大黒と最も関係の深い生き物となりました。 須佐之男の仕掛けたあらゆる危機を逃れた後、彼の住む館に招かれた大国主は、須佐之男の髪の中のシラミをつぶして彼を眠らせます。そしてその長い髪を梁に縛り付け、彼の天沼琴(あめのぬごと)と生弓矢(いくゆみや)と生太刀(いくたち)、そして須勢理と共に姿を暗ましたのです。
The biwa made a sound which woke Susanoo, who jumped up, destroying his castle, and ran after them. Okuninushi escaped by way of the slope of Yomi, which led to the gate out of the Land of Darkness, and since Susanoo could no longer pursue them, he gave up and accepted the situation. He told Okuninushi to use the weapons he had stolen to chase off his wicked brothers and to build a castle nearby, at Mount Ugayama, which became Kizuki. Okuninushi did so, and lived happily for a long time.
Some of these stories come from ancient tales of Oceania, but the female role of the mother is never included in them. Therefore, since the mother’s part in the resurrection of Okuninushi is so clear, we cannot use those stories as proof of the origin of the people of Izumo no Kuni. Similar stories in Finland are very close, and it is possible that those people found their way to Japan in the remote past. After all, the ancient religion of Shamanism is a product of Siberia. The religion before that was animism, and signs of such a religion have been found in some sites in Japan.
To get back to Okuninushi, he settled in the Izumo Area, and began to work with the people. It is at this time that Izumo seems to have become a better place to live, according to Yamato.