自転車 - Bicycles
I have heard that bicycles were invented in Europe. It is in Asia, however, that we find the bicycle used most. They are used by everyone! In Japan we find bicycles as the greatest danger to their riders, pedestrians and vehicles of all kinds. Bicycles dash out of small streets, run red lights at all intersections, demand the right of way over all other moving things, ride two or three abreast in the roads without a care for the trouble and danger they cause other drivers or walking people. Mothers ride with two or even three children with them. They risk their, lives as well as their children’s lives by doing so.
Are there no laws for bicycles? I know some people obey some laws, but you can see violations at every corner signal, stop sign and parking place. Where do the riders learn these violations?? Most of them learn from their mothers and fathers. Sometimes they even learn from their teachers and grandparents who fail to observe any law for bicycles.
Riding a bicycle is a balancing act which should be in the circus and not out in the streets where people can be injured and killed by a slight mistake. I once saw a boy and his bike fall right in front of a car and the only thing that saved his life was the driver’s frantic stop in which his child was injured. The bicycle rider laughed!!! Running red lights seems to be normal for most drivers. It makes no difference if it is a car or bicycle. We need some kind of road law to prevent people from killing themselves and others.
自転車に乗ることは綱渡りと同じです。綱渡りはサーカスでやるものであって、わずかなミスが人を傷つけたり死亡させることにつながりかねない路上ですることではありません。私は一度、自転車に乗った男の子が車の目の前で転倒するのを見たことがあります。ドライバーが自分の子供にけがを負わせるほど必死の急ブレーキをかけたおかげで、男の子は無事でした。しかしそのとき、この男の子はなんと笑っていたのです。 信号無視は、自転車に乗るほとんどの人たちにとって当たり前のことのようです。自分自身の生命、そして他人の生命を奪うことのないよう、自転車、車の区別なく規制することのできる何らかの交通法規が必要なのです。