日本の猫 - Japanese Cats
Reading about cats, I found that there are a lot of stories about them. Some of the stories are opposite to stories found in other countries. A black cat in the western world is viewed as bad luck. In Japan, it is related to good luck. A fivecolored cat is lucky in the west and in Japan, a three-colored one (mike-neko) has that reputation.
It was said geisha were called “Neko.” perhaps, because cat skins are used in making samisens. Then again, cats are called witches “Neko-wa-mamono.” Witches are supposed to have a black cat as a companion to help them with magic. This has given the black cat a bad image in the west.
It seems cats are everywhere. Cats with long tails are supposed to be disliked in Japan, but in the west, we have no cats with bent tails. There are many sayings related to cats: Cat’s Eyes (neko-no-me) fickleness; Cat’s Back (neko-ze) round back; Cat’s Forehead (neko-hitai) small forehead; and so on.
猫は、あらゆる所にいるようです。 日本では、しっぽの長い猫は好まれないようです。一方西洋では、しっぽの丸い猫を見かけることはありません。 「猫の目(変わりやすい)」、「猫背(背中が丸い)」、「猫の額(狭い)」など、猫にまつわる言葉もたくさんあります。
It is said that cats came to Japan from China in the eighth century. There arrival sounds like a fairy story because they were thought to be royal animals and could enter places that other people couldn’t. Cats used to be carefully looked after, but have little loyalty and are famous for leaving their homes at any time. It was thought that they had a contract to stay for a set time, and then would freely leave. Does this sound like a cat?
猫は、8世紀に中国から日本に持ち込まれたといわれています。猫の到着はまるでおとぎ話のようです。というのも、猫は王に仕える動物と考えられ、ほかの人々が立ち入ることを許されなかった場所へも入ることができたからです。 猫はとても大切にされてもほとんどなつかず、家から勝手に姿を消してしまうことで知られています。猫は、主人とある期間一緒に暮らすことを決めて、それが過ぎると自由に出ていくと思われていました。そんなことを猫がするのでしょうか。
There are people who love cats and hate dogs; people who love dogs and hate cats; and some who hate both, or don’t care about either of them. Tastes vary. If one of them crosses your path, you will certainly have bad luck in the near future. Most people really believe this. Do you? Even I feel uncomfortable then.
猫は好きだが犬は嫌い、という人もいれば、逆に犬は好きだが猫は嫌い、という人もいます。さらに、どちらも嫌い、あるいはどちらも別に気にしない人など、人の好みは実にさまざまです。 猫が前を横切ると、近々その人に良くないことが起こるといいます。ほとんどの人がこの話を本気で信じているようです。 皆さんはいかがですか。そんなことがあれば私ですら不安になります。
I know one home in Matsue, that has many black cats. The people must think black cats are good luck, as Japanese do. Sick people lying down with a black cat are supposed to be cured. Perhaps we should look into this. Doctors are expensive. Cats share Japan’s cultural history.
松江には、黒猫を何匹も飼っている家があります。その家の人は、日本人らしく黒い猫は幸運をもたらすと考えているのでしょう。病気のとき黒猫と一緒に寝ると、病が治るといわれています。この説は、研究してみるべきです。医者にかかると高くつきますから。 猫は、昔から日本の文化の一部なのです。