交通事故 - Traffic Accidents
Did you know that more than 10,000 people were killed in traffic accidents in 1988 and in 1989, more than 11,000 poor victims were killed? It is worse than a war! Shimane prefecture was the second worst in Japan. The worst is Tottori Prefecture. A friend told me that. If it is true, what is it about Sanin that makes such a terrible accident rate possible?
I always have thought that we in the Sanin Area were very peaceful and kind. Also, that we are polite and thoughtful. What happens when we get into a car? Do we just forget all our manners? Do some people feel that they don’t have to obey any laws while driving?
私はいつも、山陰の人たちはたいへん温和で親切で、礼儀正しく思慮深い方たちだと思っているのですが。 車に乗ると何がどうなるというのでしょう。マナーをすべて忘れてしまうのでしょうか。運転しても法律を守る必要はないと考える人たちがいるのでしょうか。
I have seen bicycle riders that do not pay any attention to rules at all. From what I can see, most bicycle and bike riders make up their own rules. Bicycle riders ride three or four abreast in the road and refuse to move. I am not sure what laws govern bicycles, but whatever they are, they are not being obeyed. Can’t teachers do something about this very dangerous habit of the students?
I saw a mother with three children riding a bicycle. Many mothers drive their cars while carrying their cute little babies on their backs! What happens if they have an accident? Especially if they are hit from rear?
Then there are the people who park anywhere and everywhere they feel like, without a thought or care for other drivers who must try to pass them. Illegal parking causes many accidents! Then we have the “Red Light Runners”. These are the people who can’t wait for the next green light and run right through a red light even after the other drivers have the green “GO”. I have never seen a “red light runner” stopped by the police. May be it isn’t against the law. There are three, foul or more of them at every light, especially at the busy intersections.
また、所かまわず好きな場所に駐車し、そこを通るほかの車のことなどまったく気にも止めない人がいますが、違法駐車が原因の事故が多発しています。 さらに「赤信号突破屋(レッドライトランナー)」と呼ばれる人たちもいます。信号が青に変わるまで待たず、赤信号を無視して走行する人たちのことです。私はこの人たちが警察に止められているところを見たことがありません。おそらく違反にはならないのでしょう。一つの信号につきそのような人が3、4人、あるいはもっといます。取り分け混雑している交差点ではひどい有り様です。
You may have noticed that I said nothing about speeding drivers. That is because there is little chance to speed any more. There are too many cars. Let’s drive safely and protect all the wonderful people in the Sanin Area.