芸術家と芸術作品 - Artists and Exhibits
The spirit of Zen Buddhism, which created great swordsmen, and great painters, as well as other craftsmen, has fallen into disuse. In those days, the artist was a part of his brush, and he didn’t even think of what he was drawing, except for having the idea. The picture came from his heart. Some of these wonderful artists were friends of mine, Mr. Yoshio Kimura, Mr. Fuden Adachi, Mr. Eishiro Abe, Mr. Dochu Funaki, Mr. Katsuyoshi Murata and some others, who, to my great sadness, have passed on. They had friendly, warm and charming personalities!
I have watched really great artists paint pictures in ink (sumie) in 10 or 15 minutes. They seem to go into a trance, or to be working in a dream. Yet, when they finish, the picture is absolutely lovely, and full of life. That is real artistry! I have seen potters, papermakers, and silversmiths do the same. They really get into their work! I have seen other artists who can do the same thing, but the Japanese seem to have mastered the method. That is why Japanese art is admired all over the world! It has “Heart.”
著名な画家たちが、10分から15分の間に墨で絵を描くのを見たことがあります。何かに取り付かれたように、あるいはまるで夢の中で筆を動かしているかのような印象を受けました。しかも、できあがった作品は本当にすばらしく、生命感にあふれていました。これこそ、真の芸術というものです。 陶芸家、和紙作家、銀細工師が、同じように仕事をするのを見たことがあります。皆、作業に没頭していました。 ほかの国の芸術家が同じように一心に仕事をしているのも目にしましたが、日本人はこの方法を完全に習得しているように見えます。これこそ、日本美術が全世界で賞賛される理由でしょう。
The Japanese are very lucky to have such wonderful artists! You, the reader, are fortunate in that you can see magnificent works of art in the many museums, and other exhibition halls to be found in every town and city, in Japan. It may be, however, that you have not taken the time or trouble to go to these lovely exhibitions to see what great things the Japanese can produce. That is a terrible shame! It seems to me that everyone should take advantage of the oportunities offered, to learn about the Japanese culture. How I envy all the people who have seen everything!
日本の芸術には「心」があるのです。 たいへん幸運なことに、日本には偉大な芸術家が数多くいます。読者の皆さんは、日本中の市や町にある美術館や展示場で、優れた芸術作品を鑑賞できるという恵まれた環境にあります。 とはいえ、皆さんは、このようなすばらしい展示会を訪れ、日本人がいかに優れた芸術を生み出すかを確かめる時間や労力を惜しまれているようです。これはとても残念なことです。日本の文化について学べるせっかくの機会を、だれもが上手に利用すべきです。私は、ありとあらゆる作品を鑑賞してきた人を、とてもうらやましく思います。