彫り物 - Carving
Traditionally, the Japanese have tried to reproduce objects seen, or imagined, in some material such as: wood, ivory, bone, etc. The technique of carving is really wonderful in the Sanin Area. The Iwami Ryu (Iwami Way) of carving was so beautiful that I can never get enough of it. It is really rare. There were few carvers, six or so. One was a gifted woman, who did splendid work. I have seen and admired some of it.
日本人は、伝統的に見たものや想像したものを、木、象牙、骨などに再現しようと試みてきました。山陰地方の彫り物の技術は、すばらしいものです。 石見流の彫り物はたいへん美しく、飽きることがありません。しかも、めったにお目にかかることができません。岩見流の彫り師は、わずか6人を数える程度しかいませんでした。その中の一人に、すばらしい作品を生み出す才能あふれる女性がいました。私もいくつか彼女の作品を見たことがありますが、感銘を受けました。
I love all carving, and collect the netsuke made in Japan. I have only a few, but would truly enjoy meeting others with a similar hobby. Please write to me. Japanese is O.K. One of the most famous contemporary workers in wood, was Kisai Arakawa. He did all kinds of carving, including woodblock prints. He was a wonderful artist! Another artist was Jodei Kobayashi, who did the gates of the tomb of Fumaiko Matsudaira. I go to Gesshoji just to see that marvellous piece of work.
私は彫り物ならどんなものでも好きです。また、日本の根付けの収集もしています。それほどたくさん持っているわけではありませんが、同じような趣味を持つ人に出会えたら本当に楽しいだろうと思います。日本語でかまいませんので、どうかお手紙をください。 近世に名をはせた木彫り作家の一人に、荒川亀斎がいます。彼は、木版画を始めあらゆる彫り物を残したすばらしい芸術家でした。小林如泥は、松平不昧公の墓の廊門の彫刻を彫りました。私は、ただその優れた彫刻を見るためだけに月照寺に足を運ぶことがあります。
The Kiyomizu Temple Pagoda, has some beautiful carvings on all four sides. Some are broken, but the art is great! The shrine at Izumo Taisha also has many intricate carvings over the various entrances. All are greatly admired. All over the Sanin area, we can find examples of carving which, although unsigned, show the true spirit of the artist of the old days. They were earnestly dedicated to producing an object of “truth”! An object showing emotion! An object of perfection! These artists were diligent, they did their work sincerely. Money was not a thing to be considered. The best artists were recognized and honored.
Many people think of the artist as “gone.” However, I see them, in the work they have done. That work makes them immortal! Their spirit lives on! I think everyone should study some art form to show our appreciation to the dedicated geniuses, who contributed such wonderful craftsmanship to the Japanese culture.
多くの人たちは、それを作った芸術家はもういないと思っていますが、私には、彼らが残した作品の中に、彼らの姿を見ます。彼らは作品の中で永遠の生命を得たのです。芸術家たちの魂は生き続けています。 私は、技能の面において、日本文化にすばらしい貢献を果した献身的な天才たちに敬意を表すべく、すべての人がそれぞれ何か芸術を学ぶべきだと思います。
The youth of today must take up the ancient arts to preserve them for their own children. It would be a great shame if they were lost due to greed, or lust for money. If such art were followed, as your ancestors did it, you would also get much money, if you achieved a degree of ability to create the beauty that your forebears were capable of. The thing to remember is that you have to try hard, work from the heart, and not to give up. The last is probably the most important.
If you persevere, you will succeed. The least important point to keep in mind is “money.” If you think about that, you will lose your dedication to the art. It isn’t worth it. I know too many artists, who have succumbed to the greed for money, and the result has always been a decrease in the quality of their work. If you want to be a good artist, do your best from the heart, forgetting all else!