日本の芸術 2 - Japanese Art (2)
Tea is grown all around Matsue and it seems that the life of the people is closely related to tea and its art. There are many tea shops and you can drink Japanese tea almost anywhere you go. Pottery kilns can be found right in the middle of the city. These kilns make tea bowls and other items for the tea ceremony. One of these makers is named Fukushima. His charming daughter, Emi, has studied pottery and practiced it for years. That is wonderful!!
Other kilns that are famous are Sodeshi and Rakuzan. They are right in the city. Kilns like Fujina, Shussai and others can be found all around the area. Even little kilns produce lovely pottery. We think of Mori gama in Hakuta and Juko gama in Kimachi. I could mention many more, but you probably already know them. I love to see young people, like Mr. Fukushima’s daughter Emi, doing their best to continue the old arts and crafts. Most of the old arts, like Tsutsugaki and Katazome, will die out when the present masters can no longer do it any more.
そのほかに「袖師」、「楽山」といった名の通った窯も街中にあります。この地域一帯に、布志名、出西といった窯があり、小さな窯で美しい焼き物が作られています。伯太の母里窯、来待の寿康窯などいくつか思い浮かびます。ほかにもまだたくさんありますが、おそらくみなさん既にご存知でしょう。 私は、福島さんのお嬢さんの恵美さんのような若い人が、古い美術や工芸に懸命に取り組んでいる姿を見るのがとても好きです。筒描藍染や型染めを始めとする多くの伝統工芸は、現在活動している熟練職人たちが働けなくなれば消えてゆく運命にあります。
This is certainly a terrible shame when Japan’s young people give more thought to leading a comfortable life than to continuing the beautiful art of Japan. Kabuki and Bunraku are two more endangered arts. Kabuki now has one group of foreign people doing it. Many foreign students study everything from Bunraku to paper-making. I guess it is something that can’t be helped. Even Judo has many foreign masters now. It used be a pure Japanese sport. I guess it is better to have the art continue, even if another country’s people do it.
Wouldn’t it be wonderful if each of us tried to learn some old art as a hobby? I am trying to learn KATAZOME, as you know. As with everything I try, I am doing it whole-heartedly. I have interested several other people in it and perhaps they will become great at it! I hope so! Let’s all try something, shell we? Japanese art is among the most beautiful in the world.