習慣と作法 - Customs and Manners
Recently, Mr. Ueki of NHK asked me to give a speech on January 22nd, on “a view of Shimane by a person from another country”. It was very difficult for me to do, since I have spent most of the last 25 years right here in Shimane. My viewpoint is only a repeat of comments other foreign visitors have made. Of course, I had a few ideas of my own such as; while travelling abroad, be sure to carefully observe and follow the customs and manners of that country.
“Tabino haji wa kakisute,” is a very bad custom. I also think that when you go to another country, visit only two or three places at the most. If you go to many places, you will only see the airports and not the people or the country. Also, learn to say “Please”, “thank you” and “I’m sorry”. Other countries appreciate courtesy. Some manners, such as courtesy to ladies, waitresses and clerks, are necessary. All Americans are equal!
「旅の恥はかきすて」は大変良くない習慣です。また、訪れる国は多くても2、3ヶ国にすべきです。多くの国へ行っても、空港を見るだけで、その国の本当の姿やそこに住む人々を見ることにはならないと思うのです。 また、「プリーズ」「サンキュウ」「アイムソーリー」といった言葉を覚えましょう。外国では礼節が重んじられるのです。女性、ウェイトレス、事務員に対しても礼儀を欠いてはなりません。全てのアメリカ人は平等なのです。
I saw a documentary of a Japanese tourist family abroad. The husband was so rude and ill-mannered that I was ashamed of him. His calling the waitress, “Oneichan”, was really shocking. I thought nothing else would surprise me after that, but then his wife brought out a box of UMEBOSHI. I immediately changed the channel! I could not stand watching it any longer.
These people spent a lot of money on their trip and took Japan with them.They learned no manners or customs before going and the image of Japan which they left with the people they visited, must have been shameful. Learn manners before you go. Give Japan a good reputation for courtesy and culture. Try hard and enjoy more!