お風呂 - O-FURO
Throughout known history, the Japanese have believed that “Cleanliness is next to godliness” and that is the reason they are famed for being clean and neat. This was almost opposite to the feelings of the people of England and Europe where a bath meant you would get sick and die. Known as the “Great unwashed nations,” they used a lot of perfume.
The Japanese have a very sensitive sense of smell and can smell a European, but can’t smell each other. The Koreans now, are different. Their diet is such that we can smell them a long, long way away. Even the Japanese diet is odorless, containing little meat. Every home has an O-Furo (tub for hot baths) and they take baths every day. Not being able to take a bath is one of the worst things that can happen to a person.
Bathing is a habit and very hard to break. A dirty person smells and no one wants to associate with him. In the old times, they used a pot-shaped tub which was heated from the bottom by building a fire under it. This fire was closely controlled by doors and covers so it wouldn’t get to hot, but would stay hot. It was called a “Goenmonburo” and named after a man who was boiled alive in one for crimes against the government. (There were many unique systems of putting down someone who was doing bad. It helped to control crime.) The story has some romance, but being boiled alive is not the best way to go, if there is a good way.
入浴は日本人の生活に深く根差した習慣です。人々は、非衛生的で汗の臭う人には近寄りません。 昔は、下から火を起こし底の方から熱くして行く、壷形の風呂が用いられていました。熱くなり過ぎず、適当な温度を保つ為、☆扉☆と☆覆い☆で火を調節しました。この風呂は、幕府の転覆を企てた廉で捕まり、生きたまま釜でゆでられ殺された一人の男の名に因んで「五右衛門風呂」と呼ばれました(当時は罪人を裁く為の多くの制度が存在し、犯罪の増加を防ぐのに一役買っていました)。この話には幾分作り話めいたところがありますが、それでも生きたままゆでられるのは御免被りたいものです。
The family all take a bath in the same water in a set order. Father is first, mother is last. Today, there are a variety of ways to heat the bath water by using electricity, gas, oil, and even the Sun. Solar energy is used a lot in Japan. The tubs are also much more beautiful, but I took baths in the Goenmonburo for years. It’s always hot!
To take a bath in Japan, there is a set method that must not be changed. Varying from this method is the worst thing you can do to a Japanese household.We are supposed to wet ourselves with water from the tub–cooled a bit to make it bearable. Then, we soap up and wash and scrub till we are clean. Then we rinse off the soap. Then and only then, do we enter the tub. Never do this quickly! If you do, you will think you are being boiled to death. Enter slowly, slowly, and get accustomed to the heat. It is only two or three degrees hotter than our bodies, but feels like it is boiling. While washing and rinsing, cooler water may be used, but entering the tub, you can only endure.
日本の御風呂に入る際には、絶対に守らなくてはならない作法があり、これに従わないことは日本の家庭で最も無作法な振る舞いとされます。その作法とは次のようなものです。まず、浴槽から湯を汲み体に掛け、湯の熱さに慣れます。次に石鹸で体をきれいになるまで洗います。そして、石鹸を洗い流してから湯船に入ります。 但し、あまり急いで入ると、熱湯の中で殺されそうな感覚に陥ります。お湯の熱さに慣れるため、ゆっくり入って下さい。お湯は人体の温度よりわずか2〜3度高いだけですが、大変熱く感じられます。体を洗ったり、石鹸を洗い流す際は、ぬるま湯を使えば良いのですが、浴槽に浸かる時は、そういう訳に行きません。
This is a bit of an exaggeration, but don’t use too much cold water! Just enough to let you enter the tub, slowly. Other people will bathe after you, so you can’t enter with soap suds on you, or by cooling the water too much. That would ruin the bath for the following people, since the same water is used by all. Of course, there is a certain amount of water exchanged as each person puts water into the tub to replace what he/she uses, or allows to overflow, due to having too much water in the tub when we enter it.
少し大仰に言い過ぎましたが、ゆっくり湯船に入る様心がけ、水はあまり大量に使わないで下さい。 石鹸の泡を洗い流さず湯船に浸かったり、お湯をぬるくし過ぎるのは控えなくてはなりません。全員が同じ湯を使う為、後から入る人に不愉快な思いをさせる事になるからです。とは言え、各自、自分が使った分は新たに足したり、あまりにお湯が多く、身を沈めた時に溢れ出たりしますので、お湯はある程度取り換えられる事になります。
As a guest, you are bathing right after the father. A position of honor, I assure you. Soon, your body will relax and if not careful, you will fall asleep. It is easy to do. Movement is painful because when we do, hotter water hits our bodies. Around your body, the water is about one degree cooler than the rest of the water in the tub. That one degree may be the difference between being able to stay in the tub, or not. When you get out of the tub, you will be as red as a beet and languid to the point of feeling like a wet noodle. One warning! If you have a bad heart, or high blood pressure, be careful. Taking the bath is OK, but staying in a long time is no good! People have passed on in the bath. It may be a good way to go. It feels so good! That is a rare happening and after you get accustomed to it, you will take the risk. It is worth it.
お客は通常、御主人の後に入る様もてなされます。皆さんの場合もそうだと思います。 湯船に浸かっていると、直に疲れが癒され、気を付けないと眠ってしまいそうです。熱い湯船の中で体を動かすと、お湯が体の方に打ち寄せて来て火傷をしかねません。お湯は体の周りでは約1度低くなっており、その1度の差があるお陰で浴槽の中に浸かることが出来るのです。 湯船から上がった時、体は真っ赤で気だるく、濡れた麺になった様な気がします。 心臓に疾患がある、または高血圧の方は注意が必要です。入浴するのは構いませんが、長時間湯船に浸かるのは禁物です。過去に亡くなった方が大勢いらっしゃいます。しかし、さほど頻繁に起こる訳ではありません。慣れてしまえば大丈夫です。お試しあれ。
Many people think the water is boiling, but that is far from the truth, even though it feels so. The water is about 43℃, but even one degree hotter makes it impossible to enter the tub. The O-Furo system of bathing is an established custom and hot spas abound in this volcanic country. Probably this custom will never be lost.
It is the high point of any vacation to be able to go to an onsen (hot spa) to take the baths. These baths may be one reason the Japanese live so long and if you have a chance to take a bath, Japanese style, do so. With caution so as not to break the rules, or have a heart attack. It is an unforgettable experience. You will be relaxed!
温泉があれば、旅の楽しさも増します。 日本人の長寿の秘訣は、温泉にあるのかも知れません。もし、日本式の温泉に入る機会があれば、是非お試し下さい。決まりを守り、心臓発作に注意すれば、日常から開放され、忘れられない思い出になること請け合いです。