海辺の町 加賀 - Kaga on the Sea
Kaga is a lovely little fishing village on the Sea of Japan. It has a Legend of a goddess, who, in the form a shark, will attack passing boats and people. To frustrate this shark, boat owners beat on the sides of their boats to scare it away.
The root of this story may have been the drowning death of a child in that area many years ago. There is a cave, which a boat will take you to, in which you can find many stacks of stones. These are a kind of prayer to Buddha for the repose of souls. There are so many that it is difficult to find a place to put yours. The boat will also take you to another cave that passes through the mountain.
There is a story about a goddess who found the inside of that cave too dark, and shot a shining arrow into the ceiling, thereby providing light for everyone. Stories like this fascinate me, and are the cause of my research into the myths and legends of Izumo no Kuni–where I have made my home!
Kaga also has a swimming beach, but the most interesting thing for me is the walk around the end of the cape and over the hill. It is really calm and peaceful, and the scenery is very beautiful. You can also see places where the delicious seaweed, that I like so much, is raised. This tour is not entirely without its dangers, because the cliff is steep and sometimes there are landslides. It is very unusual to meet these hazards but be careful and don’t go too close to the edge of the holes to look down at the sea!
加賀には海水浴場もありますが、私がここで最も好きなのは、岬の先や丘を散策することです。美しい風景の中を歩いていると、心が落ち着き安らかな気持ちになれるのです。私の大好きな海藻を養殖しているところも見ることも出来ます。 しかし、その際気を付けなくてはならない点も幾つかあります。急な崖で時折地滑りが起こるのです。滅多に遭遇することはありませんが、油断は禁物です。海を見るために、穴の縁に近付き過ぎないことです。
For rock-hounds, Kaga is wonderful and one of my friends, who loves that hobby, spends most of his time there. He reports that he can find agate, jade, and other stones of interest. For a nice family holiday, you should consider the seacoast of the Japan Sea, and especially Kaga.
岩石の採集家にとって、加賀はたまらなく魅力的な場所です。友人の一人は、暇さえあればここにやって来ます。彼によると、めのうやひすいを始め、希少な石を多く発見することが出来るそうです。 家族と素敵な休日を過ごしたいと思ってらっしゃる方、日本海の海岸を訪れてはいかがですか。特に加賀はお勧めです。