山陰の夏祭り - The Gaina Festival and Others
In summer, there are many festivals in the Sanin District. The Gaina Festival is a relatively new festival which is held in the city of Yonago, in Tottori Prefecture. I almost always went to see that festival, unless it was held at the same time as the Dan Dan Festival in Matsue. The Dan Dan Festival began about ten years ago, when Matsue was trying to become a sister city of Irvine, California.
夏になると山陰地方でも多くのお祭りが各地で催されます。鳥取県米子市で開催される「がいな祭り」は比較的新しいお祭りです。以前の私は松江の「だんだん祭り」と日程が重ならない限り、ほぼ毎年行っていました。だんだん祭りは今から約10年前始まりました。丁度、松江市がアメリカ カリフォルニア州の☆Irvine☆と姉妹都市縁組の交渉をしていた頃です。
It was an extremely popular time for everyone. However, it came at about the same time as the Suigosai. This is the Water Festival. Since they were similar festivals, they were merged in 1993. I was very sad to see that happen, since I love festivals of all kinds, but it was too expensive for the city to hold so many festivals, so they combined the two. It is still a wonderful festival! Come and see it with me!
The Gaina Festival, and the Suigosai Festival, are held in early August, and are really interesting. There are many activit-ies for all people, from children to adults, to enjoy. There are songs, dances, contests, and fireworks. These are very fine festi- vals to see and enjoy, and ones you would never forget. Another festival held around the middle of August is the Shan-Shan Festival in Tottori City, which is the capital of Tottori Prefecture. It is very beautiful with the Shan-Shan Dance ( a kind of umbrella dance) being performed by the lovely ladies of the city. In July, we can see the Heron Dance in Tsuwano. It is also a very charming and interesting festival.
がいな祭りも水郷祭も共に8月上旬に開催されます。どちらも歌あり、踊りあり、コンテストあり、花火あり、その他子供から大人まで楽しめる催し物たくさんの、実に楽しいお祭りです。一度行けば、忘れられない思い出になるはずです。 山陰ではもう一つ、8月半ばに鳥取市で「しゃんしゃん祭り」というお祭りが開かれます。きれいな地元の女性達による、しゃんしゃん踊り(笠踊りの一種)が祭りを美しく彩ります。7月になれば津和野で鷺の舞を見ることが出ます。これは他には無いとても優雅なお祭りです。
I think we should all get out and show our appreciation for the efforts made to make our festivals so wonderful for us all. These are only examples. There are many other festivals held all over the area. Let’s take all the family, and enjoy these magnificent celebrations!