出雲市 - Izumo City
Izumo City is the second largest city in Shimane Prefecture. It has a population of about 80,000 people and is named after the oldest known, legendary area of Japan, “Izumo no Kuni”.
It is mentioned in the “Kojiki” as the “Home of the Gods” and the “Land of the Gods”. The roots of all the Gods are in Izumo and in October of every year, all the Gods are supposed to return their home in Izumo. This is known as the “Month without Gods” in all of Japan, except for the Izumo Area, where it is known as the “Month with Gods”. There are many religious festivals all over the Japan during that whole period.
Saying ” goodbye” to all the Gods everywhere in Japan except here. Here, we have many festivals welcoming the Gods. When the month is over, we must say “goodbye” and other places welcome their Gods back again. Interesting customs!
My daughter lives in Izumo. I want to visit her, but the traffic is so heavy and congested that I really don’t like to go. Heavy traffic is a big problem for Izumo City. I hope their new Mayor, the Honorable Tetsundo Iwakuni has some plans to make traffic run more smoothly, through and in, his city. He has produced many articles about his ideas and I agree with him. He feels that the politicians must work for the people, not for themselves! I think that is a wonderful thought!
私の娘は出雲に住んでいます。彼女を訪ねたいのですが、ひどい渋滞と混雑のため出掛けたくなくなります。交通渋滞は出雲市の抱える大きな問題です。出雲の立派な新市長・岩国哲人氏が、市内に出入りする車の流れがより円滑になるよう、何か計画をお持ちであることを期待します。 岩国市長はすでに、ご自分のアイデアに関するさまざまな条例を編み出されました。私も賛意を示します。市長は、政治家というものは自分自身のためではなく、市民のために働かなくてはならないとお考えですが、すばらしい発想だと思います。
He also thinks that progress must be made in Izumo, but without causing any damage to the cultural, artistic and historical values that they have. History, art and culture are the heart of any country or city and must be preserved. Don’t you agree?
Izumo will soon have a Jr. College. Hopefully, it will be a good one with good teachers teaching important subjects of value to the community and the country. I sincerely want Izumo to succeed in its ventures.
Mayor Iwakuni wants and needs the young people of Izumo to remain there and help him achieve his goals. Big cities do not need you! Your home town does!