猪麻呂と調査 - Imaro and Research
Present day Japan has developed under a variety of religions, the latest of which is Christianity. Buddhism has also played an important part in the development of Japan over the last 1450 years, or so. Before that, what happened to create Japan, as we know it? Mainly, the Japanese people have always been concerned with the gods of the world, and there were many of them! There is even a phrase”Eight Million Gods.” There is mention of many more than that in the old legends, however.
現在の日本は多種多様な宗教の元発展を遂げてきました。その中でも最も新しい宗教はキリスト教です。仏教はおよそ1450年にわたり日本の発展に大きく寄与してきました。それでは、それ以前の時代には私たちの知る日本が形作られるうえでどのようなことが起きていたのでしょうか。 主な点としてに、八百万の神(やおよろずのかみ)という言葉もあるように、日本の人々は絶えず世界の多くの神々と交わっていたということが挙げられます。しかし、古代の伝説の中にはさらに多くの神がいたという記述が見られます。
When a man named Imaro, in 674, lost his daughter to a shark, he prayed to the 15,000,000 gods of heaven, the 15,000,000 gods of earth, and all the gods of the seas, shrines, and temples in Japan, for revenge. The gods caused the guilty shark to be driven to Himesaki Cape in Yasugi by 100 to 1000 other sharks, where Imaro killed it. The girl’s leg was found in the shark. Therefore, Imaro gained revenge on the killer. (The numbers of sharks differ in various books.) Imaro was the head of the Reciter Clan of those days.
The exact year is known, because it is mentioned in the Izumo no Kuni Fudoki. This event occured in the town of Yasuki, which is the old name for Yasugi. The name of Yasuki was given to the town by the god, Susanoo, when he was making a tour of his kingdom. It means, “Being comforted.” This incident is very important, because it mentions Susanoo, the god who created, what became the Izumo Region.
We must go back further than that to really discover how the country grew, but we have a lot of stories, and we must consider them all to make a proper decision. To do this, we have to consider the origin of the gods who came here first, Izanami, Izanagi, and all the rest of them.
From the first appearance of gods, and the effect that they had on the development of Japan, these stories are so important, that we cannot overlook even one of them. The origin of the gods must also be discussed. Many of them are heavenly gods while others are earthly gods. Izanami and Izanagi were heavenly gods, as was Susanoo. Okuninushi and others were of the earth, even though their parents were of heavenly origin. This thinking will conflict with others ideas, but common sense must prevail.
神が初めて現われたときから神々が日本の発展に与えた影響という観点においてこうした物語はたいへん重要であり一つとして見落とすことはできないのです。 神々の起源も論じていかなくてはならない問題です。神々には天の神もいれば地の神もいます。伊耶那岐と伊耶那美は須佐之男同様天の神でした。大国主を始めとするそのほかの神々は両親の出自は高天原であるにもかかわらず地の神です。この考えとは相容れないほかの考えもありますが、広まらなくてはならないのは常識なのです。