大国主について - Introduction of Okuninushi
The most important god for the people of Izumo no Kuni after Izanagi, Izanami, and Susanoo, was Okuninushi no Mikoto. In the Izumo no Kuni Fudoki, he is known as Ame no Shita Shiroshimeshishi Ookami. This means, “The Great God Who Governs All Under Heaven.” For short, he is called, Oonamuchi, “The Great Land Holder,” and is mentioned such in the Kojiki and the Nihongi.
We will call him “Okuninushi.” It is shorter, and right! It is the name he bears in Izumo no Kuni. At Izumo Taisha, he also bears the name of “Daikoku,” one of the Seven Lucky Gods. Being a very powerful and intelligent person, he organized the country against the opposition that had built up over many years of weak rulers. Some of the following legends will be about those incidents.
私たちは彼をさらに短く大国主と呼んでいますが、これこそ正しい呼び方なのです。そしてこれが、出雲の国における彼の名前なのです。出雲大社では大国主は大黒と呼ばれ、七福神の一人に数えられています。 強大な力を有しなおかつ聡明でもあった大国主は、脆弱な指導者層の元長い間にわたって力を伸ばしてきた対抗勢力を打倒すべく国を興します。これから紹介するいくつかの伝説はそのときに起こった出来事を伝えています。
There are many legends that show the power of the Izumo no Kuni. The latest concern the building of Izumo Taisha, and the peace being made between Yamato and Izumo no Kuni. These are very exciting stories, and if you read more and more, you will also find other things that will prove what I have constantly said in these essays–the Izumo no Kuni was a very powerful kingdom in the ancient days.
I will also discuss the place that Izumo may have held in the formation of the mystic land of Yamataikoku, one of the most argued about subjects in the history of Japan. Many people support the existence of Yamataikoku, but a few deny its place in history. I discussed this in the essay on “Susanoo’s Country.” One other possibility existed, which I will also mentioned, and supported, to the best of my ability.