出雲の国-神の国 - Izumo no Kuni-The Land of the Gods
Matsue is the center of culture and industry in the Izumo Area, and everything goes through there. Getting to ancient sites is easy from that charming, small city.
What really draws attention of the visitor to the Izumo Area is the great wealth of primitive artifacts, ancient sites, old temples, and shrines, that can be found everywhere. The history of Japan began right here! Discoveries are constantly being made to justify this claim.
The culture is magnificent, and the area has had a great effect on the countries’ history! Ancient texts tell us that most of the very oldest legends begin here in the “Land of the Gods!”
One point to remember is that “Izumo” was not always “Izumo,” and was probably not called by that name until the eighth century. Prior to that, it was called, “Kizuki.”
When we talk of “Izumo no Kuni,” we must also remember that it was older than the land of “Ou.” This was mentioned as the land of “Izumo” in the “Kojiki,” considered by many to be the oldest publication in Japan. We must never forget that books written by leaders of countries are not always correct.
さらに、出雲の国について語る際それが、日本最古の書物と考えられている古事記に「出雲」の国として登場する「意宇(おう)の国」よりも古い歴史を有していることにも留意しなくてはなりません。 また、一国の指導者たちが記した書物が常に正確であるとは限らない、ということも決して忘れてはならないことです。
We know that the ancient “Izumo no Kuni,” called Kizuki, was older than “Yamato.” It was also a very great and powerful country, feared and respected by Yamato. Even before joining Yamato, Kizuki had helped at least one emperor gain the throne by using its power. He came from the old land of Koshi, which was a close friend of Kizuki, and became the Emperor Keitai (507-531).
杵築と呼ばれていた古代の「出雲の国」が「大和」よりも古いことは周知の通りです。出雲の国はたいへん強大で、大和にとり畏怖の対象だったのです。 大和に統合される以前ですら、杵築はその力を基に少なくとも一人の天皇を即位させるのに貢献しています。その人物とは、杵築と友好関係にあった越の古い国からやってきた継体天皇(507‐531)でした。
He claimed a relationship with the Emperor Ojin (3??-?). His enthronement, is probably why Yamato considered Kizuki as an enemy, and did its best to give it a bad name by relating it to Hell. Yamato regained the imperial line, by the ascension to the throne of the Emperor Kimmei, (540-571).
継体天皇は自らが応神天皇(3??‐?)と血族関係にあることを主張したのです。大和は杵築を敵と見なし杵築を地獄と関連付けて貶めることに躍起になりますが、継体天皇の即位がその理由であったと思われます。 大和は欽明天皇(540-571)を即位させ、皇室の系譜を取り戻しました。