民話における地蔵 - Jizo in Folk Tales
In Japan, there are many carvings to be seen. Most of these carvings have to do with daily life and the things we see around us. The origin of these carvings was due to the coming of Buddhism to Japan in the sixth century, along with its magnificent art and religious statues. Wood is often used, and a great many stone statues were also made. Of course, there were castings of Buddhist images and other religious objects, usually of bronze.
Among these arts, was the carving of the Jizo, a very powerful god with many characters. Among them have been found sake drinkers, fire fighters, rice planters, thorn and splinter removers, finders of lost persons, bringers of justice, substitutes for people in danger, wanderers who leave their pedestals causing distress to their worshippers, and many others.
Our own area of Izumo no Kuni has a couple of stories in the old books, that I will tell you. First, there is a little town called Yaye, in the Izumo Province. (I have searched for this town and can’t find it. Therefore, I suppose it has had a name change.) In this town, there was a water shortage and one farmer was trying to draw water into his rice fields. His neighbors beat him for this. The next day a Buddhist priest came and drew water for the farmer. The neighbors became angry and shot him with an arrow. The priest disappeared!
私たちの出雲の国にもいくつか物語がありそれらは古い本に載っています。お話しましょう。出雲地方にヤエと呼ばれる小さな町がありました(この町を探してみましたが、見つかりませんでした 名前が変わったものと思われます)この町で水不足が起きたときのことです。一人の農民が自分の田んぼに水を引こうとしたところ、近隣の者たちから殴られてしまいます。次の日、神主がやってきて男のために水を引いてやります。怒った農民たちが神主に向けて1本の矢を放ったところ、何と神主は姿を消してしまいました。
The farmer, who regularly worshipped his Jizo, went to pay his respects that evening. He found the feet of the Jizo covered with mud, and an arrow sticking in its back! After this, the farmer worshipped his statue more sincerely than ever. These kinds of stories make all legends fascinating for me!
定期的にお地蔵さんにお参りしていた農民でしたが、その晩も拝みに訪れました。男はお地蔵さんの足が泥で汚れその背中には矢が刺さっていることに気が付きます。それからというもの、男は前にも増して心を込めお地蔵さんを拝むようになったということです。 こうした物語は、私の心をすべての伝説に引きつけます。