大水神 - Omizunu
After our short break, let’s think of the legendary God of the Great Water (Omizunu), who created the “Land Pulling Legend.” He may have been the son of Susanoo. This legend was passed down by verbal means, as all legends were. This one was very strong, however, and never lost. In fact, it is stronger today, than ever before.
It is not included in the first books on Japan’s history, even though the name, Omizunu, is recorded. Those books are, the Kojiki (712), and the Nihongi (720). The legend only appears in the Izumo no Kuni Fudoki (733). Considering that this book was ordered by the Emperor in 713, it took a very long time to be completed. It was written by a grandson of a ruler in the Izumo no Kuni of those days, and he wrote everything that he knew, or could find out. These facts and legends still exist in that book.
Since 1936, the Izumo no Kuni Fudoki has been part of the Shinto Liturgy, and a great literary treasure among scholars all over the world. When Susanoo retired to the Land of Shadows–his last kingdom–one of his heirs, Omizunu, decided that the land he ruled was too small. Therefore, he decided to pull some land from other parts of the world to make his country bigger. See the next essay.
1936年を境に出雲の国風土記は、神道における儀式の文例集となり、世界中の学者たちにとり偉大な文学的財産となりました。 須佐之男が彼の最後の王国・「黄泉(よみ)の国」へと旅だったとき、彼の後継者の一人であった大水神は、自分に与えられた土地があまりに小さすぎるという結論に達し世界のほかの場所から土地を引っ張ってきて自分の土地をもっと広くすることを決意します(次の物語を参照)
According to the story, he looked north for extra land and found some in a place which may have been the land of Mimana (or Kaya) in Korea. This seems likely to have occurred around 562 when Japan lost this colony to a joint attack by Silla and China! Paekche, a friendly country to Japan, was also defeated. Many Koreans came to Izumo no Kuni at that time, and were welcomed as farmers, artists and technicians.
伝説によると、余っている土地はないかと北方に目を向けた大水神は、朝鮮半島の任那(みまな)にいくらかの土地を見つけます。これは日本が新羅と中国の連合軍との戦いに敗れ任那を失った西暦562年ごろに起きた出来事のようです。このとき、日本と友好関係にあった百済もまた滅亡します。 当時、朝鮮半島から多数の農民や芸術家、および技術者たちが出雲の国に渡り歓迎を受けました。
Korea’s name then was “Shiraga.” Citizens of Japan’s colony of Mimana (Kaya) in Korea, were considered as citizens of Japan, and these immigrants are thought to be the fact of one of the four steps in the Land Pulling Legend, which is written in this book. Other immigrants found that Izumo no Kuni was a good land and decided to make the trip there, themselves. I think these waves of immigration work together to give life to the four stages of the “Land Pulling Legend.”
当時の朝鮮半島は「しらが」と呼ばれ、かの地における日本の領土・任那に暮らす人々は日本の人民であると見なされていました。こうした移民たちは、国引き神話の中の四つの段階の一つの事実であると考えられています。 出雲の国がすばらしい土地であることがわかったほかの人々も移民として出雲の国に渡ってきました。共に力を合わせた移民たちの波は、「国引き伝説」の四つの段階に生命を吹き込んだのだと思います。