七福神と二人の女性 - Seven Lucky Gods With Two Women
During my research, while writing the last few articles on the Seven Gods of Fortune, I discovered something that really surprised me! There is another group of Seven Gods of Fortune! The second group has two women and only five men! Shock struck! It seems that all the male gods are there. However, Fukurokuju and Jurojin have become one personage. This new personage is called Jurojin or Fukurokuju. Either is right, but Fukurokuju is most popular.
七福神に関する調査、そして彼らについてのエッセイの最後のいくつかを書いていく中で あることを発見した私は、本当に驚きました。何と二人の女神と五人の男の神から成る、もう1組の七福神が存在したのです。これは衝撃的事実です。随分とたくさんの男の神がいるように見えますが、実のところ福禄寿(ふくろくじゅ)と寿老人(じゅろうにん)は同一人物です。この新しい神の呼び名、福禄寿でも寿老人でもどちらでもかまいません。ただ、福禄寿の方がより一般的です。
The new goddess is the wife of Bishamonten, and the child of Kishibojin, the Goddess of Children!Her name is Kichijoten, or Kisshoten. She is the Goddess of Wealth, Beauty and Fecundity. In her left hand, she is holding a magical treasure ball (hoju), which is burning with the fire of the Gods. This ball will give her worshippers anything they want. Even though I have seen a picture of these seven gods, I still believe the first group with six men and one woman was the first. Perhaps I am just old-fashioned.
Kisshoten’s powers of fecundity were certainly what the people wanted in those years of trouble and need. Fecundity means both fertility, and productivity. Children and good food supplies were most desired. So, the new goddess gave those things, and the change was made. Still, we see the original seven gods in their treasure ship with only Benzaiten (Benten) as the lady of the group. I admit to being old-fashioned, so I will continue to accept that group.
豊饒をもたらす吉祥天の力は、困窮する人々の欲したいたものです。豊饒とは、ここでは多産と豊作を意味します。どちらも人々が強く願うものです。吉祥天からそれを授かり、人々の生活は変化していったのです。 紅一点の弁財天(弁天)を含む宝船に乗った昔からいる七福神は今でも健在です。私は頭の古い人間ですから、彼らの方を受け入れようと思います。
Changes are fine, but not where the gods are concerned. What do you think about this new group of Seven Lucky Gods? Shall we accept them, or remain loyal to the old originals? Kisshoten’s picture shows her to be lovely, but seven lucky gods are enough for anyone. I love these stories!
変化するのははかまいません。とはいえ、神と無関係な変化では頂けませんが。皆さんはこの新しい七福神、どう思われますか。受け入れるべきでしょうか、それとも古い方のみを信仰すべきでしょうか。 吉祥天の肖像画から、彼女が美しいことはわかります。しかし、七人もいればだれでも十分でしょう。私はこうした話が大好きです。