須佐之男とヤマタノオロチ - Susanoo and Yamata no Orochi
Susanoo left Heaven and went to Earth, where he landed at the foot of the Hii River. Seeing chopsticks floating down the river, he supposed that there were people living upstream. Of course, he was right, and as he was walking up the river, he met two old people. The old man’s name was “Foot Stroking Elder,” and the old woman’s name was “Hand Stroking Elder.”
Between them stood a lovely young maiden whom they called, “Kushinada Hime.” They were all crying. Susanoo, touched by the sight of such sadness, asked them why they were lamenting so. The old man told him that every year a great snake had come, and eaten one of their eight daughters! Kushinada was the last one left! The snake was called “Yamata no Orochi” and was huge enough to cover eight valleys and mountains!
二人の間には「奇稲田姫(くしなだひめ)」という名のうら若き美しい娘が立っており彼らは皆泣いておりました。 かような悲しい光景に須佐之男は動揺しなぜそのように悲しんでいるのか、と尋ねました。すると老人は「毎年大蛇がやってきては八人の娘を食べてしまいます、そして奇稲田が最後に残った娘なのです」と言うではありませんか。その大蛇は名を「ヤマタノオロチ」といい、八つの谷と山を覆い尽くしてしまうほどの大きさであるいうことでした。
Susanoo decided he would help them, because the girl was very beautiful. He asked the old people if he could have their daughter for a wife if he killed the snake. Of course, they didn’t want to let just anyone have their daughter, so they asked him who he was. He said he was the brother of the Sun Goddess. At this news, they agreed, and he instantly turned Kushinada into a comb, and put her into his hair. Combs are important!
Then he told the old folks to prepare eight tubs of powerful sake. They did this, and put them in the entrances of the eight- opening fence, that Susanoo had ordered. After getting ready in this way, the great snake was seen to be approaching. Susanoo was ready for the fight, too. Yamata no Orochi came to the fence, drank all the sake, and fell asleep. Then Susanoo attacked, and cut off the snake’s eight heads and tails! It was a terrible fight, but Susano won!
須佐之男は老夫婦に、八つの桶に入った強い酒を準備するよう言います。二人は言われた通りに酒を用意しそれを八つの開いた門の入り口の前に置きました。用意ができたとき、大蛇が近づいてくるのが目に入り須佐之男も決闘の態勢を整えました。 垣根にたどり着いたヤマタノオロチは、すべての酒を飲み干し眠りに落ちます。そこで須佐之男はオロチに襲いかかり八つの頭と尾を切り落としました。壮絶な戦いではありましたが、須佐之男は勝利を収めます。
After winning the fight, Susanoo took the eight heads he had cut off, and buried them at a site named, “Eight Cedar Trees.” This site is near the town of Kisuki. On top of each head, he planted a cedar tree, and when they were destroyed by floods or disease, other cedars were planted. The last ones were planted in 1873. In one of the center tails, he found a wonderful sword that he named “Murakumo.” Susanoo gave the beautiful sword, “Murakumo,” that he had found in the tail of Yamata no Orochi, to his sister as a token of peace, and to show his regard for her.
戦いに勝った須佐之男は、オロチの八つの首を「八本杉」に埋めます。この場所は現在の木次町近辺に当たります。須佐之男はそれぞれの頭の上から杉を植えました。そして、それらが洪水や病によって駄目になった場合にはほかの杉が植樹されたのです。最後に杉が植えられたのは1873年のことです。須佐之男は、オロチの尾の一つの中から美しい剣をみつけ「叢雲(むらくも)」と名づけました。 そして、須佐之男は、その剣を泰平の象徴として、また姉を敬う気持ちの印として天照に捧げます。
She graciously accepted it, and it eventually became a part of the Three Imperial Regalia. The other two parts are a mirror, given her by the gods of Heaven, and a curved jewel necklace, given to her by her father, Izanagi. The sword’s name was finally changed to “Kusanagi,” but that is another tale.
天照はそれを丁重に拝受し、叢雲は遂に三種の神器の一角を形成するに至るのです。 残りの二つは天照が神々から受け取った鏡と天照が父親の伊耶那岐から授かった勾玉の首飾りです。剣はその名を叢雲から「草薙(くさなぎ)」へと変えますが、そのことは別の物語に登場します。
It is believed that the terrible snake of mythology was the many rivers, which caused much distress for the people through floods. Susanoo, an engineer, helped control the floods with dikes and dams. The Red River, which was thought to be red from Yamata no Orochi’s blood, is the source of iron sand that is the material used to make the famous Japanese swords, as well as knives and agricultural tools—a great discovery! This iron sand, caused the river to be red, and it is still being used by local steel com-panies!
ヤマタノオロチの正体は、洪水を引き起こし人々に災難をもたらした多くの川であったと思われます。須佐之男は技師として土手道と盛土で洪水の調整にあたったのです。 有名な日本刀や刃物、および農機具を作るための砂鉄は、ヤマタノオロチの血からできたであろう赤い川から生まれたのです。偉大な発見です。川の水が赤いのは砂鉄のせいなのです。現在でも地元の製鉄会社に利用されています。
After killing the terrible snake, Susanoo and his bride went to Yaegaki Shrine, which is dedicated to Inada, to live. Then he moved to Daito, in Shimane Prefecture. Later, he became the ruler of the Land of Darkness, the gate to which is in Higashi Izumo.