続・国際交流計画 - The International Exchange Program 2
In the last article, we talked about the young high school student, Hattori, who was shot in the U.S. It was obvious that the student had not been given a good education in speaking English or the laws of the U.S. who shall we blame for this?
First – there was the host family. They should have taught him about the dangers of fearful citizens and what life is like in the U.S. as regards guns and laws. They didn’t think. Second – his teachers in Japan should have done the same thing. Almost every school has access to a foreign teacher and he/she should have been asked to teach the student about dangers and what to do avoid them.
その1-彼のホスト ファミリーです。彼らは、恐ろしい連中やアメリカにおける銃や法律に関するシステムについて服部君に教えるべきであったのに考慮しませんでした。 その2-日本での服部君の先生たちも同様の処置を施すべきでした。ほとんどすべての学校で外国人教師を採用することができます。学校は、外国における危険とその回避の方法を服部君に教示するよう、彼、または彼女に依頼すべきでした。
Third – the student exchange directors should have made sure that he/she had received information on how to deal with various dangerous situations in America, Europe, England or wherever such a student is going. Girls as well as boys should get these hard and important facts taught to them, before they are permitted to leave the country. Life is not the “bed of roses” it seems.
その3-学生交流の担当者たちは、アメリカやヨーロッパ、イギリスを始め生徒たちが訪れる国で出会うさまざまな危険への対処方法について、彼らが十分な情報を得ているか確認すべきでした。 男の子も女の子も、出国許可を得る前にこうした厳然たる重要な事実について教育を受けるべきです。人生は安楽な境涯ではありません。
Many dangerous exist that didn’t exist when you and I went to school. Even my home town in the U.S. is not as safe as it was in my student days, but it is still safe! However, we should not overlook the value of an international exchange education. It broadens the outlook of our people and makes them more valuable citizens of Japan. They should be assigned duties that give them a chance to use the knowledge they have gained by a foreign exchange experience, when they return.
皆さんや私が学生だったころにはなかった多くの危険であふれています。アメリカの私のふるさとでさえ私の学生時代ほど安全ではありません。それでもまだいい方です。 しかし、国際交流教育の意義を見落としてはなりません。それは人々の見識を広め彼らを日本にとって貴重な人材たらしめるのです。帰国後は、彼らに国際交流の中で得た知識を活かすことのできる職務を与えてあげるべきです。
We should increase the number of foreign students and teachers we accept and send ours abroad for an international education. Then we should use the experience they have gained, to help improve international relations.