須佐之男の愚行 - Susanoo's Misdeeds
All the time Susanoo was growing, he was a very bad boy. He cried all the time! He cried so much that all the world’s oceans, rivers, and seas, had dried up to make his tears. When Izanagi asked him why he was crying all the time, Susanoo said that he wanted to see his mother in Hades.This made Izanagi very angry, and he exiled Susanoo from Heaven! Before leaving Heaven, Susanoo wanted to say “Good Bye” to his sister, Amaterasu, so he went there to see her.
子供のころの須佐之男は悪童でした。そしてたいへん泣き虫でした。あまりに泣くので天下の大洋、川、海の水が須佐之男の涙となるべく干上がってしまったほどです。伊耶那岐がなぜ泣いてばかりいるのかと尋ねると須佐之男は、黄泉の国に暮らす母に会いたいと言うではありませんか。これを聞いた伊耶那岐はたいそう怒り須佐之男を高天原から追放してしまいます。 須佐之男は、高天原を後にする前に姉の天照に別れの言葉を言いたくて会いに行きます。
However, his approach to the Great Plain of High Heaven, was violent and terrible, causing rice field walls to break down, and many other catastrophes to occur. These happenings caused Amaterasu to fear him, and she dressed herself for war, just as a man would. Seeing her in such a fighting mood, Susanoo told her that he had no bad feelings toward her. To prove it, he offered to have children with her.
ところが、高天原へ向かう途中の須佐之男の振る舞いは、豊饒な田畑を台無しにしたり多くの天変地異を引き起こしたりと、乱暴で手に負えないものでした。須佐之男のかような振る舞いを目にした天照は恐れをなし、男のように武装します。 天照の戦闘的な雰囲気を察知した須佐之男は、彼女に対し悪意のないこを告げ、そのことを証明するために自分との間に子供を設けようと天照に持ちかけます。
She thought this was reasonable, so she took his sword, broke it into three parts, chewed them up, and made three beautiful girls. Susanoo took Amatereasu’s Curved Jewel necklaces from her hair, chewed them up, and created five handsome young men. (Please, remember these children. They are called, “Hachioji,” meaning “Eight Princes.” One of them became the father of the first of the Imperial Line on earth. This part of the story will come later.)
それは理に適っていると思った天照は、須佐之男から剣を受け取りそれを三つに折ってかみ砕きました。すると、三人の美しい女の子を産まれました。須佐之男は、天照の髪に飾られていた勾玉の首飾りを受け取りそれをかみ砕きました。今度は五人の端正な顔立ちの男の子が生まれました(八王子と呼ばれこの子供たちを覚えておいてください。 これは八人の姫という意味です この中の一人は地上初の天皇の系譜の祖となります この箇所は後で出てきます)
Susanoo considered himself the winner in this contest, because his possessions had made three delicate and lovely girls. This caused him to go crazy with joy, and he did many bad things in Heaven! His sister forgave him for all of them, because she said that her brother must be drunk. (Drunken people have been forgiven for bad acts, until recent times. )
Finally, he threw a skinned, piebald horse through the roof of the weaving room, which killed a worker in the room. Some stories say Amaterasu was hurt! In any case, Susanoo made himself very unpopular. In anger, Amaterasu hid herself in the Rock Cave of Heaven, with grave results for the people of Earth.
For causing this, Susanoo had his fingernails, beard, and toenails cut off, and he was fined 1.000 tables of food and gifts for the gods. Then he was again exiled–this time by his sister! It seemed that Susanoo could do nothing right. Later events prove him to be a rather fine man, however.
須佐之男は責任を取るため自分の手と足の爪を切られ、あごのひげをそられ、さらに1000のテーブルに相当する食べ物と贈り物を神々に捧げることを命じられます。そして次に須佐之男は彼の姉によって再び追放されてしまいます。彼は何一つまともにはできないようです。 しかしながら、あとに続く物語は、須佐之男がたいへん立派な人物であることを物語っています。