On Monday, the 23rd of November, I took three of my best friends, Professor Virginia Carroll and her two lovely daughters, Emily and Caitland, to Taisha Shrine to attend the KENKOKUSAI Ritual there. Professor Carroll, from Kent University in Ohio, teaches at Shimane University. Her daughters are as lively and energetic as a couple of kittens. While we were waiting for the event to begin at 7 PM, we went to Inasa Beach. I got tired just watching them playing there next to Byobu Iwa!
They love our area and even though it was a very cold evening, we enjoyed the most beautiful sunset I have seen in years. The colors were fantastic and I forgot the cold while viewing the natural beauty that makes Izumo no Kuni such a wonderful place for me to live.
The KENKOKUSAI, is a Taisha ritual offering the gods the produce of the land, during a time when all plants and animals are at a low point in life. It is performed in Taisha’s Month With Gods. It was held in the HAIDEN of the shrine and at first, I could see nothing except many priests and some tiny candles burning. Then, as the ritual went on, I felt the solemnity of it all. The sincerity of the priests performing the ceremony for the gods, the rhythm of the drums and chants that we heard were warming to the spirit. The people attending were as quiet as mice–not a sound was heard from them. The silence itself was part of the feeling of the deep spirituality of this ritual. The Carroll family felt the same.
献穀祭は、動植物がまだ十分に成長する前の時期に、大地の生み出す自然の恵みを神々に奉げる行事です。神存月に出雲大社で執り行われます。 拝殿には最初、多くの神官と何本かの小さな蝋燭が燃えている他は何も見えませんでしたが、儀式が進むに連れ、会場は荘厳な空気にを包まれて行きました。神々との対話を真摯に続ける神官達の姿、耳に響く太鼓の音、祝詞(のりと)が私の心を熱くしました。参加者達は完全な静寂を形成し、誰一人物音を立てませんでした。その静寂こそがこの神事の深遠な霊性を物語っているようでした。 キャロル一家も同様に感じていました。
They said it was very impressive and something that they would never forget. I was happy they felt so! After the ceremony, we had hot tea from a vending machine and went back to Matsue. Everyone was tired, but happy. It was a very full day!