招き猫 - The Beckoning Cats
I have a good friend who loves the Beckoning Cat (maneki-neko. Isn’t it strange that an American person should have an interest in such a Japanese custom? I decided to find out what I could about this custom. The origin is interesting, but only one story of many. I learned that long ago, it was believed that when a cat passed its left foot over its left ear, visitors or customers would come. I wondered how that started?
私の友人の一人に、招き猫が大好きな人がいます。アメリカ人がこのような日本文化に関心を持つのは変でしょうか。私は、招き猫についてできるだけ調べてみようと思いました。その起源は興味深いものですが、これも数多くある説の一つにすぎません。 昔の人々は、猫が左足で左耳の上をかくと来訪者がある、と信じていました。どのようにしてこうした説が生まれたのでしょう。
Upon reading a lot more, I found that there used to be an old broken-down temple at Edo, that had a cat. The priest constantly told the cat that it was useless, doing nothing for its food. One day, Ii Naotaka, the lord of Hikone in the Tokugawa Era, around 1650, was passing and saw the cat sitting near the gate of the temple and beckoning him to come in.
He and his retainers went in and had tea with the priest. It soon began to rain heavily and Naotaka and his party were very happy to be in a dry place. Naotaka said that the cat must be a reincarnation of Kannon Bosatsu and so the people felt the cat was sacred and built a hall that they named the Good Luck Inviting Hall. They also put up a memorial “Cat Stone” there after the cat died. Shop-keepers used to chip pieces off this stone and put them in front of their shops to attract customers. After many return visits, Naotaka and the priest became friends and he rebuilt the temple.
※直孝と家来たちが寺の中に入り、和尚とお茶を飲んでいたところ、間もなく大雨が降り始めました。直孝一行は濡れずにすみ、たいそう喜びました。 直孝は、この猫は観音菩薩の生まれ変わりに違いないと言い、人々も猫をたいへんありがたがり、招福殿を建立しました。そして、猫が死んだ後は「猫塚」を建てて猫をしのんだということです。 商人たちは、この塚の石を削って店の前に置き、商売繁盛を願いました。その後も直孝は、何度も寺を訪れて和尚と懇意になり、寺を建て直してやりました。
One other story is about a lady’s cat nervously bothering her. It was killed because it was thought to be a nuisance. At the moment of its death, it attacked, and killed, a large snake that it was trying to warn its mistress of. When the truth became known, the woman mourned for her cat so much that a friend of hers carved one for her with its left paw over its left ear. She loved it and it was the first maneki-neko, or so it is said. There is also a cat that has its right paw over its right ear and which attracts money. I could find nothing about that.
もう一つ、こんな話があります。ある女性が一匹の猫を飼っていましたが、猫があまりに興奮し、うるさかったものですから女性はその猫を疎ましく思い殺してしまいました。ところが、息を引き取る直前、猫は自分の主人を襲おうとした大蛇にかみつき、主人を助けたのです。ことの真相をを知った女性は嘆き悲しみ、見かねた友人が左足を左の耳に乗せた猫の置物を女性のために彫り、彼女はそれをとても大事にしました。そして、これが招き猫の始まりといわれています。 右足を右耳に乗せている招き猫もあり、やはり商売繁盛をもたらすとされています。それについては、何もわかりませんでした。※寺の門に落雷したが、直孝一行は命拾いをしたという説もあります。