追悼 - A Eulogy
On December 20, Zenko Adachi passed on. Let me extend my sincere condolences to his family. I always feel sorry for the people that are left behaind. They are very sad. I’m sure the person who has gone on, doesn’t want them to feel so. If he led a good life and worked hard, he did all that is required of a man.
12月20日、足立全康氏が他界しました。ご家族の皆様には心からお悔やみ申し上げます。 遺族の方たちのことを思うといつも気の毒でなりません。皆さん悲しみに暮れていらっしゃいます。しかし、それは故人の望むところではないはずです。仕事に励みすばらしい人生を送ったのであれば、それは人としてなすべきことを十分やり遂げたということです。
He deserves honor and respect for what he contributed to life in his community and country. Mr. Adachi began his museum after reaching the age of 70. Such dedication to a goal at an age when most people want to relax, is admirable! It was opend to the public on Novemver 3rd, 1970. Happily, Mr. Adachi lived to see the 20th anniversary of the founding of his museum, on November 3rd, 1990.
My good friend, Dr. Heihachi Sugihara of Yasugi, took me to the new museum and introduced me to Mr. Adachi, 20 years ago! Over the years, the museum has grown much larger and the gardens more beautiful. Mr. Adachi loved his gardens and worked in them and discussed them with his gardeners most of his life.
今から20年前、私は安来市に住む親友の杉原平八さんにこの美術館に連れて行ってもらい、そこで足立氏に紹介されました。 長い年月をかけ美術館は増築され、庭園はより美しさを増していきます。庭園を愛していた氏は大半の時間を、自ら中に入って作業をし、庭師の方たちと庭園について語り合いながら過ごされました。
This museum, surrounded by the magnificent gardens, has become the centerpiece of interest for art lovers from all over the world. Art is something that all people, from all countries can understand. Even though the founder has left us, his magnificent art museum still remains as a momument to his memory. In addition to that, the gardens are real living memorials to a man who loved nature, art and people. We must respect his gift to us of an art museum that is second to none and also the heart and spirit that created it.
壮大な庭園に囲まれたこの美術館は、全世界の美術愛好家たちにとって関心の的となっています。美術とはすべての国の人たちが理解できるものなのです。 足立氏はもうこの世にいませんが、このすばらしい美術館は故人を偲ぶ記念碑として存在し続けます。また、庭園はまさに、自然と美術、そして人間を愛した男の生ける記念碑であるといえます。 足立氏から私たちへの贈り物である最高の美術館、そしてそれを生み出した彼の心と勇気に敬意を払わなくてはなりません。