偉大な食物の女神 - The Goddess of Great Food
I told you about the Goddess of Great Food a little while ago. It was a case of Amaterasu hearing of a wonderful goddess who was famous for good food. Amaterasu thought that she would be a good wife for her brother, Tsukiyomi no Mikoto, so she sent him to pay court to her. When he arrived, he was invited to dinner.
Then the goddess faced the plains, and rice and other grains came out of her mouth. She faced the mountains, and animals of hard hair and soft hair came out of her mouth. Then she looked toward the sea, and fish of wide fins and narrow fins came out of her mouth. These things were all prepared for food, and put before Tsukiyomi. He was furious that food should come from a persons mouth, and be offered to him to eat. So, he cut off her head!
He then went back to his elder sister, and told her of the things that had happened. Amaterasu was very angry! She told him to get out of her sight, and never to let her see him again.From that time on, day and night have been separate–the myths say! Amaterasu then sent another goddess to find out about the Goddess of Great Food. This goddess was Ame no Uzume, who had danced on an overturned tub to attract Amaterasu out of the Rock Cave of Heaven, where she was hiding to show her anger at Susanoo after he had insulted her.
月読が天照の所へ戻り事の一部始終を話すと、天照は激高し月読に目の前から消え失せ、2度と自分の前に現れるでないと言い渡します。神話には、このときを境にして昼と夜が分かれた、とあります。 天照は偉大な食べ物の女神を見つけるため、天宇受女(あめのうずめ)という一人の女神を遣わします。天照は以前、須佐之男に侮辱されたことがきっかけで天の岩屋に引きこもりましたが、その際ひっくり返した木の上で踊りを披露し天照を誘い出したのがこの女神でした。
This goddess went and found that the Goddess of Great Food was truly dead. However, she found that many grains, including rice, and other food plants, had come from various parts of the goddess’s body. From the top of her head, came the ox and horse. These two animals show the origin of Shinto as Animism, and we can see statues of them at Taisha Shrine near Izumo.
They are also in the Junishi, or 12-animal years, used to tell ages in Japan. I believe that all life is very important, and we should treasure it! Killing for the sake of fun, or personal gain, is a very terrible crime against the animals we hunt, and the people who are killed! God will certainly punish those thoughtless killers!
また、双方とも年齢を表すのに日本で用いられる十二支に含まれています。 すべての生命はかけがえのない存在であり大切にしなくてはなりません。おもしろ半分や己の利益のために動物や人間を殺すのはとんでもない罪悪です。生命を簡単に奪ってしまうような慈悲のない者は必ずや神の手によって裁きを受けることでしょう。