国引き伝説 - The Land Pulling Legend
In Shimane Prefecture, the name “Kunibiki” (Land Pulling) can be seen everywhere in the names of bridges, buildings and roads. The people there have never forgotten the history of their country of myth and legend, Izumo no Kuni! One of those stories concerns the great god, Omizunu. Some people say he was the brother of Okuninushi, but it is not certain.
島根県内では「国引き」の名を冠した橋や建物、および道路がいたる所で見られます。 神話と伝説の国・出雲の歴史が、そこに暮らす人々に忘れ去られることは決してないのです。そうした物語の中の一つに偉大な神・臣津野(おみずぬ)を描いたものがあります。臣津野は大国主と兄弟であったという声もありますが、定かではありません。
When he became the ruler of the land of Izumo no Kuni, he thought the land was too small for him, so he decided to make it larger. Looking around for extra land, he saw a few places that he thought he could use. The first land he saw was in Korea, and may have been the land of Kaya that used to be a colony of Japan’s.
It was lost in 562, at which time, many poeople probably came to Japan as refugees. This land may have been called “Shiraga” in those ancient times. He took up a huge rope, which was made from three smaller ropes twisted together, and fastened it to an anchor like device shaped like a woman’s breasts, and threw it to the land. Then he jerked it slowly, saying, “Kuniko Kuniko”(Land. Come!) as if pulling a big boat. The rope he used was fastened to Mount Sambe and became the Sono Nagahama. This land became the land called Cape of Kizuki, where Izumo Taisha is located.
多数の避難民が日本に逃れてきた562年、日本は古代「しらが」と呼ばれていたとも考えられるこの土地を失います。 臣津野は、三本の小さな縄をよって作った大きな縄を取り出し、それを女性の乳房に似た形の錨(いかり)に結び付けその土地に向かって投げつけ「くにこ、くにこ」と言いながら大きな船を引っ張るかのようにゆっくりと引き寄せました。臣津野の使った縄は、三瓶山に結び付けられ薗長浜(そののながはま)となり、土地は杵築の岬となりました。そこには現在出雲大社が建っています。
It also includes the Inasa Beach, where the Byobu Iwa is found. It is here that the peace talks between Izumo no Kuni and Yamato took place. That must have been in the 7th century! Some stories say that he next looked to the east and found extra land in Tsutsu in Koshi (Hokuriku District). He lashed the rope to the Fire God Mountain (Mount Daisen) this time, and pulled the land again saying, “Kuniko, Kuniko.”
This land is presently Mihonoseki, and the rope, originally the island of Yomi, is the sand beach of Yumiga Hama. Thus, the land of the eastern part of Shimane Peninsula was pulled in, and the country of Izumo got bigger. Another legend says the third land was taken from Saki, in Korea, and it became a part of the Cape of Taku, called Sada. The fourth piece of land was thought to be from a place called Nunami (location unknown, but perhaps to the west). This land is the place called Kurami, spreading out from the Cape of Tashimi. In the old stories, these names meant something quite different. Yomi became Yumigahama, Koshi became Toyama, etc.
この土地は現在の美保関となり、縄は夜見島(よみしま)となり現在は弓ヶ浜の海岸になっています。このように、出雲の国は島根半島の東側に当たる部分が引き寄せられて大きくなったのです。 また別の伝説では、3番目の土地が朝鮮半島の佐伎(さき)から持ってこられ、多久の岬となり佐田と呼ばれました。4番目の土地はヌナミ(所在地は不明ですが、西方にあった可能性を指摘する声があります)という所からやってきた、タシミ岬から広がる闇見という土地であったと考えられています。黄泉が弓ヶ浜になり越が富山になるなど、古代の物語の中でのこうした地名はかなり異なっています。
This ancient legend did not suit the rulers in the days of compiling the Kojiki, so it was left out–as were many other old stories–so the rulers of Japan would have some sort of lineage that was reasonable. The lineage is still reasonable, even with the old stories included. Leaving them out is foolishness.
They are part of the real history of this truly magnificent country. Let’s work hard not to change things just for the sake of convenience.It is falsifying the history and culture of the wonderful country of Japan, and thereby cheating the people.