出雲文化伝承館 その二 - The Izumo Cultural Heritage Museum 2
No exhibit of culture in Japan is complete without a tea house and the Izumo Cultural Heritage Museum is no exception. It has a very lovely tea house called, Dokuraku An containing three tea rooms for us to enjoy. This tea house complements the museum perfectly.
The original was designed by Sen no Rikyu. It is said that Fumaiko loved the two-mat room the best, because its feeling of wabi and sabi were deepened by the size, and the mood of hermony with the host was hightened. In later life, he built rooms just like these at his residence in Tokyo.
元々は千利休の手によるこの茶室は、伝承館に非常にうまく溶け込んでいます。 その中の一つは畳わずか二畳分しかありませんが、その狭さ故、わびさびの世界がより深まり、相手との調和をより強く感じることが出来たことから、不昧公お気に入りの茶室であったといいます。晩年、不昧公は江戸の住いに、独楽庵に似せた茶室を作らせたということです。
I can’t talk enough about this magnificent museum, but there was one problem. No one knew where it was! Finally I asked an old lady. She said, “I don’t get around much and don’t know about new things.” She excitedly told her daughter about her encounter with me and her daughter told me the way very well. (Thank you very much!)
When I arrived at the site, I was met by my friend, Mr. Toma, and we enjoyed talking about various things. One of them was—there should be some signs around the place, in English!! Mr. Toma is one of the most knowledgeable people I know! He told me all about the history of the museum. I have a deep interest in such things.
着くなり友人の藤間さんに会い、多くのことを語り合いながら、楽しい時間を過ごしました。その中で、「周辺に英語の案内板が必要だ。」ということで私達二人は意見の一致を見ました。 藤間さんは、私の知人の中で最も博識のある一人で、私が大変興味を持っている伝承館の歴史についてつぶさに話して下さいました。
He is really proud of the museum and the cultural history of the Izumo Area. He and I both feel that all the people should learn more about the great culture and history of their home districts. They are wonderful! Izumo will be honored by having Prince Hiro no Miya at the opening ceremony on October 6th of this year. He is supposed to be coming for a tree planting ceremony called, SHOKUJUSAI, on the 5th that month and will stay over for the opening of the museum.
We should go and enjoy the beauty that this museum will offer us and, if possible, a relaxing drink of tea.