鳴り砂 - The Singing Sand
To continue the story of Koto Hime, and the village of Maji with its beach of very special sand. From the time of the Princess Koto’s death, the sand of the beach made a sound when being walked on. This sound reminded the people of the town of the Princess playing her koto. That is why the beach was given the name of “Kotogahama.” This sound is what I call, “The Singing Sand.”
琴姫の物語と特殊な砂からなる砂浜のある馬路村に関する話を続けましょう。 琴姫が亡くなってからというもの、砂浜の砂の上をだれかが歩くたびに音をたてるようになります。その音は村人たちに琴をかなでる琴姫を思い出させました。この浜が「琴が浜」と名付けられたのにはこうした理由があったのです。私はこの砂を「歌う砂」と呼んでいます。
One day, an old man, her father, walked by and heard the sound of the sand being walked on. When he learned that his daughter had died there, he quietly walked into the ocean to join her in death. Of course, it is a very sad story! However, it is one of the legends of our area.
ある日、浜を通り掛かった一人の老人が砂の鳴るのを耳にします。老人は琴姫の父親でした。娘がそこで亡くなったことを知ると父親は、娘と死を共にすべく静かに海の中へと入って行きました。 たいへん悲しい物語であるのはもちろんですが、これはこの地方に伝わる伝説の一つなのです。
The sand of the beach is used in the one-year sandglass that the town of Nima has built. Every year, it measures the arrival of the new year. It is in a very interesting museum with many other exhibits of sand, and the life to be found in it. Educational exhibits like this one are the things we need to introduce our young people to their wonderful environment. Every time I learn of a new myth, I try to track it down and find the roots.
That is what made me do my research on the Legend of the Princess Koto, and her sad story. From this story, we can learn a little more about how the people of this country feel about life, and the way they react to what fate hands them. My next effort, which began about six months ago, concerns the country called, “Yamataikoku.” What can you tell me about it? I will go to Nara this month to do more research. Want to come?
私が琴姫の伝説と彼女にまつわる悲話を調べさせた動機もそれでした。この物語は、この国の人々の人生観や運命に対する身の施し方について私たちにより多くのことを教えてくれています。 私の次の目標は、邪馬台国と呼ばれた国に関するものです。始めて6か月になります。皆さんは邪馬台国についてどんなことをご存知ですか。 私はさらに調査を行うべく今月奈良を訪れます。ご一緒しませんか。