最高の季節、秋 - Autumn, the best season
Autumn is the season that rice is hung to dry. The sight of those huge racks of rice makes me feel the passing of another year. From the bright green seedlings of spring to the waving of the full grown plants in the summer and finally to the drying rice in autumn, we can see the progress of life. Then the stubble in the paddies in winter completes the picture of nature’s plan.
Autumn also brings the lovely color changes of the maple and gingko trees. I like the yellow and gold colors best. Reds are lovely and look like fire on the hills in this season, but yellow and gold are friendlier for me. I like the golden gingko trees best. Then, there are the falling leaves that rustle in the wind and as we walk in them, as I sometimes do, when I need real quiet and peace to get rest from the hustle and bustle of my busy life. We all need a little time to get away from our hectic lives and really feel nature!
秋はまた、カエデやイチョウの木に美しい色の変化をもたらします。私は黄色と金色が大好きです。赤色もきれいで、この時期には丘に燃える火のようにみえますが、黄色と金色はもっと親しみやすいようです。一番好きなのは金色のイチョウの木です。 そのうえ、風にカサコソと音をたてる落ち葉が見られます。日常のざわついた生活から逃れ、静寂と平穏が必要になったとき私がときどきするように、その上を歩くことです。コセコセした生活から逃れ、本当に自然を感じる、そんなひとときがわれわれには必要です。
One of my best friends goes fishing on his boat. He may not catch anything, but he is really at peace with the world at that time. Other people go to visit the quiet bays and coves of the Sanin Area, others paint or enjoy other peaceful hobbies and others go sight seeing at the old temples and shrines in our area, to try regain the feelings of their ancestors. Isn’t autumn a lovely season? We can all enjoy it!
親友の一人に、自分のボートで釣りに出掛けるのがいます。ぜんぜん釣れないときでも、釣っているとき彼はその世界の平穏にひたっています。山陰の静かな湾や入江に出掛ける人もありましょう。絵を描く人や静かに趣味にひたる人、古寺や神社へ先祖の抱いた感情を再現してみようと参拝する人たちもあるでしょう。 素晴らしい秋。みんなで体験しましょう。