ホタルと虫たち - Fireflies and Other Critters
This season, when it gets hot and dry, we can find fireflies here and there in Japan. In my hometown in New York State, there are many, too. I remember them well from my boyhood.
In this area, we can see these charming insects in Daito and Yakumo. They like fresh air and fresh water. They are delightful little bugs, especially loved by children. Sadly, they are easily and often caught and kept in jars, where they die. This is too bad, since in nature they contribute so much beauty to the evenings.
この地方では、大東町や八雲村でこのかわいらしい虫を見ることができます。蛍はきれいな空気や水を好むのです。 この愛すべき小さな虫、蛍は、とりわけ子供たちの間でたいへん人気があります。しかし、悲しいことに簡単に捕まり、虫かごの中で飼われ、そこで一生を終えます。これはたいへん残念なことです。というのも、蛍は自然の中で、夕やみの美しさをいっそう引き立たせるからです。
I can’t imagine any more peaceful scene than the quiet countryside just after dark, with fireflies moving among the grasses and trees. Fireflies seem to try to avoid any place with lights or many people. They are wise. Later, we will see various horned beetles being collected by children in our part of the country. These insects are interesting because of their shapes and shiny shells. They fascinate children in a different way than the fireflies.
In late summer, we will hear the miimimimimiiiiii of the cicada. Some cicadas spend 17 years underground preparing for their short summer life. The presence of cicadas always makes the summer seem hotter to me than it really is. Still, this is a part of life that I also enjoy! The sounds of nature are very dear to me. I often make field trips just to hear and see the great variety of insects and flowers to be found outside our cities. Won’t you join me sometime?