美味い! - Great Food!
I seldom drink, and hate smoking, but I love to be with people and chat, joke, and discuss various things over food, coffee, or both. Once in awhile, I mention the various places I visit. Recently, I was invited to a barbecue where a whole cow was roasted on an open fire, then cut up and served to anyone who wanted to have some. FREE! Of course, everyone there wanted some. The beer was free, too!
私は滅多にお酒を飲みませんし、煙草も嫌いですが、大勢の人と一緒に語り合い、冗談を言い合ったり、食べ物、コーヒーといった話題について意見を交わし合うのは大好きです。私が訪れた多くの場所ついて話をすることもあります。 先日、戸外で牛を一頭丸ごと焼き、参加者に切り取って出す、という形式のバーベキューに招待されました。無料でしたので、沢山の人が訪れました。おまけにビールも無料で振る舞われました。
Where can we get things free these days? Anyway, everything was delicious. The sponsor, Mr. Kitaoka, is the owner of Yawara, a steak house that I have gone to a few times with friends, and my wife. It is located in the country, on the road to Hirose. If you go there, sit at the counter, and talk to the owner. He is very interesting!
A few evenings ago, my wife and a good friend, Virginia Carrol, visited Kawa Kyo, a shop that sells Shinji Lake food. It is always crowded, but the customers made room for us hungry people. I ate sea bass roasted in hand made paper, clams (my favorite), roasted eel, and eel on rice. Very delicious!
The owner and his wife are great cooks, and he would often tell everyone how their food was cooked, and challenge them to tell the difference between two types. I enjoyed marvelous food, and the warm and friendly atmosphere. My guest and wife did, too.
経営していらっしゃる御夫妻共々一流の料理人で、御主人はしばしばお客に料理の調理方法を説明し、二つの料理の違いを述べる様に挑んで来ます。 素晴らしい料理と温かく人懐こい雰囲気の中、楽しい時間を過ごさせて頂きました。キャロルと家内も同様でした。
These are just two places that I like to visit and will continue to do so, because it gives me the feeling of being in a place filled with friends. Of course there are others run by close friends, such as Seiyo Ken, Credor, Yakumo An, and many others, where the food is excellent, and with a feeling of being at home. I like that! This is the main reason I love Matsue so much, many friends, and a warm and friendly city to be in. Thank you all for making it so!
私には、友人に囲まれていると実感することが出来ることから、今後も贔屓にしたいお店が2軒あります。 もちろん、他にも西洋軒、クレドール、八雲庵といった、親しい友人が経営しており、美味しい料理を出してくれるお店が沢山あります。こうした店の家庭的な雰囲気が好きなのです。 そして、これこそ私を松江に夢中にさせているものなのです。多くの友人がいて、暖かく優しい、それが私にとっての松江という街なのです。皆さん、こんなに素晴らしい街を作り出して下さりありがとうございます!。