食べ物の違い - The difference of food
I’ve always admired the beautiful way food is prepared and presented in Japan. Each individual has a personal tray and each food has its own dish. It is also interesting to see the different dishes each food has. No two are alike.
It seems that almost everything is eaten here. Leave, flowers, squid, octopus, sea cucumbers sea urchin eggs, globe fish, seaweed, sacks of fish eggs and other exotic foods that are either unknown, or very uncommon in America, can be found everywhere. Of course, in the United States, We eat or have eaten, many kinds of food that would be strange to the Japanese.
Dandelion greens, wild rabbit and deer, woodchucks, squirrels, leeks, nuts of the hickory tree, sugar from the maple tree, and many other plants found in the forests. People eat puff balls, mushrooms, and even rattlesnakes. We never eat toadstools. They are poisonous and several people die from them each year.
タンポポ、野ウサギやシカ、マーモット、リス、ニラ、ヒッコリーの実、カエデから取った砂糖、それに森にあるいろんな植物などです。 また、ホコリタケ、マッシュルーム、それにガラガラ蛇でさえ食べるのです。トードスツール(毒きのこ)だけは食べません。毒があって、毎年数人が命を落としています。
In America, food is treated as one of the enjoyable necessities of life and calorie-rich food is in abundance all over the country. In Japan, the food is also very good. The difference is in the calorie content and preparation. Japanese food is relatively low in calories. That is the reason that it is so popular in America.
When Americans talk of delicious food, however, they talk about large steaks, potatoes and gravy, rich desserts and much to eat. Still, I am a lover of SUSHI, SASHIMI, HIYAYAKKO, YAKITORI, ODEN, TENPURA, SHIJIMI SOUP and almost everything else, except pickles. They are too salty. I think that I just love to eat!!! Let’s go somewhere, shall we?
でもアメリカ人がおいしい食べ物の話をするときは、大きなステーキとかポテトと肉汁、豪華なデザートともっと食べることが話題になるのです。でも、私は、すし、刺し身、冷やっこ、焼き鳥、おでん、てんぷら、シジミ汁など大抵のものが好きです。私は食いしん坊なんですねえ! どこか食べに行きません?