多忙な週末 - A Big Weekend
The weekend of June 30th and 31st was full of many events. On Sunday, I went to the opening of the Matsue International Cultural Center in Nishikawatsu Cho. It is a lovely building and tribute to the city of Matsue and its spirit of internationalism. I sincerely hope for its success!
6月30日、31日は週末に当たり、数多くの行事が催されました。 日曜日は西川津町において松江国際文化センターのオープニング セレモニーがあり、私も出かけました。たいへん美しいその建物は、松江市と世界に目を向けるその精神のシンボルといえます。ご成功を心からお祈りします。
On Sunday, I attended and enjoyed a tea ceremony using Mushakoji Way at Izumo Taisha. It was in the new building, at the entrance to the shrine. The building is beautiful and a Grand Tea Master of the Mushanokoji Way dedicatd tea to the Gods of Izumo Taisha and he also prepared tea for the visitors. I met many friends there and it warmed my heart to see them again. My friends are most precious to me.
日曜日には、出雲大社にて催された武者小路流の茶会に出席し茶の湯を満喫しました。大社の入り口の所に新らしく建てられたとても美しい建物の中で行われ、家元は出雲の神々にお茶を奉納し、参拝客にももてなしをしていました。 ここで多くの友人たちと再会し心が和みました。友人は私にとりかけがえのない存在なのです。
Then I went to pick up my wife at the Shimane Youth Center, where she was attending a seminar on teaching. We had to attend a wedding of two of my fine students, Masafumi Araki and his lovely bride, Yukiko Tago. I have a special place in my heart for my students and on this day, I saw two of them start life together. They are wonderful, happy, young people and after their one and a half-year stay for study in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, U.S.A., they will come back to us.
They had a great party, at which I had to give a speech. It was not very good, but nobody really noticed. The party ended at about 7:30 and tearful and cheerful farewells were said. After that, my wife and I had coffee together, to settle down after all excitement and we went home. It had been a very, very full day!
披露宴は盛大でした。私はスピーチをしなくてはなりませんでしたが、あまりうまくできませんでした。しかし、だれもあまり真剣に聞いていなかったようです。 披露宴は7時半まで続き、涙と喜びの送別の言葉が送られました。宴が終わり妻と二人でコーヒーを飲み一息ついた後で家路に着きました。とても充実した1日でした。