クリスマス - Christmas
The merry season of Christmas is here again, and it is time for the poor parents to spend money on presents for their beloved family members. Children, especially, love getting presents. Christmas is the season of love. Love of parents for children, husbands for wives, children for parents, and friends for friends. It is also the season for cheer. Everyone tries to be happy.
今年もまた、楽しいクリスマスが巡ってきました。世のお父さん、お母さんたちがなけなしのお金をはたいて、最愛の家族にプレゼントを買う季節です。子供たちは、特にプレゼントが好きです。 クリスマスは愛の季節です。両親から子供たちへ、夫から妻へ、子供たちから両親へ、そして、友から友へ。また、クリスマスは喜びの季節でもあり、だれもが幸せになろうと努力します。
As for me, I am happy most of the time. When you see me in the city, I am probably singing, whistling, humming, shouting with joy at the sight of some friend, shouting greetings to other friends, or just smiling at myself and the fact that living is a great joy.
Just being alive is something to celebrate, and showing joy is my way of appreciating it. The guy making all the noise is me, more than likely! Endure it. I will soon pass you, since I walk very fast.
For centuries, the date of Christmas was disputed by various groups, but most of the dates were around the end of the year. Not until about 440 was the date finally decided upon, and then it was set as the day of the winter solstice, December 21st. Later, it changed to December 25th! The Christmas tree custom probably originated in Germany around the 8th century. The custom followed the Germans to England and then to America with German immigrants. Carols, songs sung at Christmas, began in the 13th century through the inspiration of Francis of Assisi.
何世紀もの間、クリスマスの時期をめぐって諸説入り乱れる状態が続きました。しかし、その多くは、クリスマスは年末であるという点においては一致していました。西暦440年に、いったん12月21日の冬至の日がクリスマスと定められましたが、その後12月25日に改められました。 クリスマスにツリーを飾る風習は、ドイツで8世紀ころ始まったようです。その後、ドイツからイギリスに渡り、イギリスからドイツ系移民によってアメリカへと広まっていきました。クリスマス・キャロルは、13世紀にアッシジの聖フランチェスコの発想によって始まりました。
Music has become one of the greatest tributes to Christmas and one of the best conveyors of the Christmas spirit. Some of the most beautiful works of the great composers are included in “Christmas music.” Christ’s birth certainly inspired some wonderful customs!