100歳おめでとう - Happy 100th Birthday
“Happy 100th Birthday” to our city of Matsue! April 1st, 1989, was the 100th Anniversary of the founding of Matsue from the joining of several small towns, villages and districts. One hundred years is a very short time, it seems, but Australia also celebrated its’ 100th Anniversary last year. It will soon be 200 years since France’s Republic was founded. About 12 years ago, America also celebrated its’ 200th Anniversary.
松江市市制施行100周年、おめでとうございます。1989年4月1日は、小さな町村や集落が合併し松江市が誕生してから100年に当たる記念すべき日でした。 100年といえば短いように思われますが、オーストラリアは昨年建国100周年を祝ったばかりですし、フランスが共和制に移行して間もなく200年、また、アメリカが独立200周年を祝ったのは12年ほど前です。
We must remember that, even though it is only the 100th Anniversary, Matsue has a much older history. We have to think that Matsue was formed at the time the castle was built in 1611. We must also remember that this area has been very important in Japanese History for thousands of years. Often, it seems that the history of Japan itself began here. Still, in spite of its’ historical importance, the people of Matsue retain their friendly, honest and courteous natures.
More and more, year after year, this city is increasing in national importance. Visitors to our city are increasing in numbers year by year and the city managers are becoming internationally minded. We have many international exchange students at the high schools and Shimane University. There are several international seminars and congresses held here every year.
All in all, Matsue is becoming an outstanding and important city culturally as a government designated Cultural Center and internationally with its many efforts to improve and foster relations with other countries. Let’s celebrate our city’s birthday and respect its history.