個性 - Individuality
Today’s young people often tell me that they want to be FREE. What does FREE mean to them, I wonder? Does it mean to drink alcohol as they please in violation of law? It is against the law to drink until they are 20 years old. Therefore, FREE means, the right to break the law. Is that correct? A recent survey of 15 to 18 year old people in Tokyo found that more than 80% of boys and more than 90% of girls drank–25% of them HABITUALLY!
This survey was done by TOHO MEDICAL UNIVERSITY, so no foreign people were involved in it. I wonder if the parents of young people going to Tokyo will think about this survey and perhaps wonder if Tokyo is really such a great place. Many students want to go to Tokyo. It is said that the best schools are there. However, who decides which school is best? I think all schools are very good if the students studies hard and really tries to do well.
この調査は東邦医科大学によって行われたもので、調査の対象に外国人は含まれていません。 東京に行こうとしている若者たちの両親がこの調査結果を真剣に受け止めるか、東京がそんなにすばらしい所なのか、考えてしまいます。 多くの学生が東京に行きたがります。東京には良い学校があるといいます。しかし、どの学校が一番であるとだれが決めるのでしょう。学生が良い成績を修めようと一生懸命勉強しさえすれば、どんな学校でも良い学校であるといえるのではないでしょうか。
I know some people say that Shimane University is not so good, but I have seen many wonderful students graduate from there and become valuable members of their communities. I know that many of the faculty are excellent teachers and professors. Perhaps the students want to go to Tokyo to be FREE. I want my children to experience being FREE, but I also want them to be able to accept responsibility for their precious lives.
島根大学に対して、それほど良い大学ではないという声があるのは知っています。しかし私は、ここを卒業し地域社会の重要な一員になっていくすばらしい学生を数多く見てきました。教職員の多くも優秀な講師や教授たちで占められています。 ひょっとして、学生たちが東京に行きたがるのは「自由」になるためではないでしょうか。私も子供たちには自由を体験してほしいのですが、同時に、かけがえのない人生に対して自ら責任を取れるようになってほしいと思っています。
Many students just want to be FREE without the responsibility that goes with it. Does FREE mean that you can play all the time? Many students do so. This word FREE has a lot of bad nuances.
学生の多くは、自由に伴う責任を引き受けることなくただ自由のみを享受していたいのです。 自由とはいつも遊んでいられることを意味するのでしょうか。多くの学生たちがこれを実践しています。自由という言葉は、好ましくない響きを多々含んでいます。
Let’s try to use the freedom we seek for constructive purposes and to prepare ourselves for a valuable and productive life—not to become a playboy or playgirl, or an alcoholic and ruin a beautiful future.