国際交流学生 - International Students
On the 17th of August, I was asked by the Shimane International Center to give a speech to a group of foreign students, who had come here to learn Japanese. They also wanted to learn about the Japanese culture and the heart of the people. I think that this is the best way to learn about a country.
My subject was the culture of Japan and my lecture was scheduled for 45 minutes. One hour and a half later, I finally finished! It was not because I knew so much about the culture, but they had so many questions for me! It was such a wonderful feeling for me to get questions! Usually, my students don’t ask questions, because they want to go to lunch, or out for a date or a chat with their friends.
However, these Americans, and a couple of other nationalties as well, were so interested in the culture of Japan, that they just couldn’t stop asking about it, even though the lunch hour had came. We were 15 minutes k late! Why do foreign people love to study so hard? In the United States, the avarage age of a junior high college student is about 30. The avarage age of regular college student is about 40. Isn’t that almost unbelievable? However, people feel that even though they have finished college, periodically, they must continue going back to improve their skills and keep their minds sharp.
しかし、今回来日したアメリカ人やほかのいくつかの国から来た人たちは、日本文化に対したいへんな関心を持っており、食事の時間になっても質問をやめることができませんでした。そのため15分遅れました。 どうして外国人はあれほど必死に勉強するのでしょうか。アメリカの短大生の平均年齢は約30歳、4年制大学の場合約40歳です。ほとんど信じられないですね。 アメリカ人は22才で大学を出ても、再び戻って自分のスキルを磨き頭の老化を防止する必要性を感じているのです。
One of the students at the international meeting was a Swiss lady who was over 60 and still very eager to learn all she could about the Japanese language and the people. Surprisingly, she was very worried that the people ofJapan would lose their wonderful culture. I told her that it would continue in this part of the country because the people had a high interest in their great culture.
She was very happy to have had the chance to visit our lovely city and enjoy a stay here with the Fukumura family. Her work was for the United Nations in Switzerland and she became here for our Japanese class! That is the kind of spirit that we all need! Get up and GO!!
われわれの美しい街を訪れ福村家に滞在できることを彼女はとても喜んでいました。 彼女はスイスで国連の仕事に携わっていますが、日本語教室に出席するためこの地を訪れのです。この心意気こそ、私たちみんなに必要なものです。頑張りましょう。