福禄寿-人気 - FUKUROKUJU - Popularity
Popularity is the main point we think of when we see FUKUROKUJU. He is easily recognized by his small size and his long, bald head. His appearance is that of a Chinese hermit (sennin) who is said to have lived during the Sung Dynasty.
In fact, while the other 6 gods stand for one or two things, FUKUROKUJU stands for everything that humans want in life — wealth, happiness and long life. If a person is in good standing with FUKUROKUJU, he needs none of other gods. In spite of his powers, however, he lacks the popularity of Daikoku or Ebisu.
In addition to having a long, bald head, he also has long white whiskers. He carries a staff, as does Jurojin, with a book tied to it. His book is of Buddhist teachings and has nothing to do with a person´s fate. In America and the rest of the world, we have an expression that says “longheaded”. It means a clever and a wise person. This saying has not been found in Japanese.
FUKUROKUJU is always accompanied by a crane (tsuru). The crane is the symbol of long life and it is appropriate that it is associted with FUKUROKUJU since he is a god of longevity, too. The reason he is not as popular as Daikoku and Ebisu is that his face is rather solemn and his head makes him seem strange to us. However, his name is full of happiness (huku), wealth (roku) and long life (ju).
From his name alone, he may well be the most important of the gods, but his appearance reduces his status. While he doesn´t look so happy, he does look wise.