新年の誓い - New Year's Resolution
It is a custom in my country to make resolutions to follow during the New Year. These resolutions are to correct weak points in a person’s character, or to change a bad habit. Many people promise to quit smoking, or drinking alcohol at this time. For some of them with weak wills, it is a short promise and lasts until they get near a cigarette of a drink. Some people are strong, however, and the new resolutions give them a better chance to be healthy and to live longer. This makes everyone happy!
アメリカには、新年になると1年の誓いを立てる習慣があります。自分の性格の弱い部分を直したり悪い習慣を断つためにそうするのです。 この時期、たくさんの人が禁煙や禁酒を始めますが、意思の弱い人は三日坊主で終わってしまいます。そばにたばこやお酒があるともうだめです。しかし、中には意思の強い人もいて、彼らは初志貫徹することにより健康と長寿に近づきます。こうすればだれもが幸せになれるのです。
My New Year’s resolutions are few, but I hope they make our family even happier than it already is. For instance, I promised to stop working so much. This is because I want to spend my time doing other things that I enjoy. Photography and making KATAZOME pictures are really fun! I have badly missed both hobbies, and would like to begin again. Of course, I can’t stop work altogether. I love my sincere and eager students and will stay with them.
However, some people are not interested in serious study, and I feel that I can leave such places with a peaceful heart. Others are interested in an image only, and that is not enough. People who truly enjoy studying are my kind of people! I have also promised myself that I will do my best to take people to the U.S. on short tours of small cities such as capitals of states. They are almost always peaceful and beautiful. I will never take more than eight at one time, and hope that I can find interested folks to make a trip. Florida would be great for a tour.
しかし、中には不真面目な者もおり、そのような所からはそっと離れていくつもりです。また、イメージのみに関心を持っている学生もいますが、これでは不十分です。学ぶことを心から楽しむ人が私は好きです。 また、アメリカの州都のような小さな街を回る短い旅行に皆さんをお連れしなければ、とも思っています。こうした街はいつ訪れても穏やかさと美しさを保っています。1度にお連れできるのは八人が限度でしょうが、興味のある方がいてくださればと思います。行き先はフロリダがいいと思っています。
One other promise I have made is to study harder. There are many things that I don’t know, and I want to learn as much as I can in this life! How about you? Have you any ideas for New Year’s Resolutions — not for other people, but for yourself?
さらにもう一つ、もっと勉強したいです。知らないことが山ほどあり、一生のうちにできるだけ多くのことを学びたいのです。 皆さんはいかがですか。新年を迎えられ、何か思うところがありますか。他人のためではなく、自分自身のために。