オリンピックとスポーツ - Olympics and sports
I am not particularly interested in watching the Olympics, but the recent victory of the Japanese woman’s volleyball team over The Soviet Union was thrilling and filled me with great pride. The men’s gymnastics team was also magnificent, as were the swimmers. I admire them all.
People may ask, “Why are you proud? You are not Japanese.” It is true, I am not Japanese, but my spirit is very close to Japan with its great culture and wonderful people. My wife is Japanese and my children are also. So, I am proud of them and this marvellous country which I live and work in. The athletes work so hard and sincerely at becoming perfect, that their efforts must be appreciated.
Then we can go to SOMO, the national sport of Japan. There we see huge, strong men fighting for a few moments to prove which of them is superior. The one I admire most is CHIYONOFUJI. He is really the best I have ever seen. He uses all his power all the time and his speed and agility are amazing. When I see him fight, I am always filled with excitement and eagerness to see him win again. He is probably one of the greatest wrestlers I have ever seen.
I like him even better than the great TAIHO, whom I saw wrestle for years. Then we go to baseball teams from the high schools. Baseball on TV is not my favorite sport, but the high School teams are so eager and full of life and effort, that I must admire them, cheer them and applaud them. What sport do you like best??
私は長年あの偉大な大鵬の取り組みも観ましたが、彼より千代の富士の方が好きです。 高校野球についても話しましょう。テレビの野球の試合にはあまり興味がありませんが、高校野球に関していえば、選手たちの姿から伝わってくるあふれんばかりの情熱やエネルギー、そしてひたむきさに感動し、拍手をし応援せざるを得ません。皆さんはどんなスポーツがお好きですか。