夏休み - Summer vacation
This is the season when we start thinking of the summer vacation. It is with great joy that the children dream of days away from school. It is also the time the teachers dream of days away from school. In Japan, these days are not many because the schools are always open for activities and study.
This practice is good because it would be foolish to have a long vacation right in the middle of the school year. In most other countries, the summer vacation is a real vacation and comes between the end and the beginning of the school year (mid-June through August). This gives the students a chance to broaden their knowledge of their own country by travelling or visiting relatives in other cities.
これは良いことです。学年の真ん中で長い休みをとるのは、愚かなことです。 外国ではたいてい、夏休みは本当の休みで、学年末と新学年の始まりの間(六月中旬から八月にかけて)に実施されます。この期間に学生たちは旅行をしたり、他の町に住む親類を訪ねたりして、自分の国に対する知識を深める機会を得ます。そのような休暇でこそ、本当に素晴らしいときを過ごせるのです。
A really wonderful time can be had with a vacation like that. More time must be given to broadening the students minds and imaginations, not rote learning. Then this country will begin to produce inventors, composers, directors of plays and movies, musicians, and people in many other fields who can use their minds to generate really new ideas to benefit and help humans all over the world.