水の季節 - Swimming season has come!
A short while ago, I wrote about Mihonoseki Cho. Because space was limited, I couldn’t do justice to some other fine areas around there. One was Kitaura. This village is on the Sea of Japan and one of the finest swimming places that can be found. There are others, too, of course, but Kitaura is probably the largest and most popular.
少し前に美保関町について書いた際に、紙面の都合で周辺のほかのすてきな場所については触れずじまいでした。 その中の一つが北浦です。日本海に面したこの地域は、海水浴に格好の場所の一つです。もちろん、ほかにも海水浴場はありますが、広さ、訪れる人の数共に、おそらく北浦が一番でしょう。
Actually, the town has two bays. One is used exclusively for boats and small ships. The other is for swimming and swimmers. Rowboats are available and there are some small eating places. Some homes accept guests. My family and I go to Kitaura on picnics sometimes. However, we do NOT go during the summer because there are so many people there. We usually go just before and just after the busy season. That is best. The water is still warm and there are few people. Many fishermen go there, too.
町には二つの入り江があり、一つはもっぱらボートや小型船用の港として使われています。海水浴場になっているのはもう一つの方で、貸しボートや軽食堂、さらに民宿などがあります。 私たち家族も時折北浦に出掛けますが、人が多すぎるので夏の間は避けて、少し時期を外して行くようにしています。私たちはこれをとても気に入っています。水はまだ温かいですし、人影もまばらです。釣り人も大勢います。
The town of Kaga is also near there. It is a nice tourist spot with some swimming and many walking trails. There is also a glass bottomed boat to take people to a couple of sightseeing spots which are very near to Kaga, but which you can’t reach on foot. One of them is a cave in which people pray for departed souls. Another cave goes completely through the mountain and the boat goes all the way through. It is a thrilling experience to be inside the earth. Who knows when a rock may fall?
Kaga has lovely scenery and is interesting to visit. Konami is another small town which has a very nice beach. This town is getting more popular each year, too. There are many tables for picnickers and the scenery is also very nice. It is a small town but I like it and have talked with some of the people living there. They are nice and friendly, like all Shimane citizens. Summer has come! Let’s get ready for the swimming season!
加賀の周囲に広がる景色は実に美しいものです。お出掛けください。 小波という小さな町もあります。そこにはたいへん美しい砂浜があり、訪れる人の数は年々増加しています。ピクニックをする人たちのためにたくさんのテーブルが用意されており、景色もたいへんすばらしいものです。小さな町ですが、私のお気にいりです。地元の方たちともお話したことがありますが、ほかの島根の方々同様、皆さん気さくですてきな方たちです。夏です!。海水浴のシーズンはもう目の前です!。