投票 - Voting
I am an American and in the United States, we have a democratic style of government. We have some power to change, and even remove, a government that is not good. This power is voting.
The people in Japan also have a democratic government and the right to vote. I sincerely hope that all the citizens of Japan use this right to vote, especially the young people. The elder citizens must also vote. If they don’t, they will lose the representatives they want in the government to help them to enjoy the benefits they are due because of their lifelong work.
Do not be a neutral citizen! If you are, you will soon be in the hands of a government you do not want. Get out and vote! It is your only way to protect yourself, your family and even future generations.
The right to vote was lost in most countries in Eastern Europe, but is gradually being restored because the people are fighting for it. In some places, there have been remarkable gains in getting governments made up of the real citizens of the areas in which they live. My view of the future is much brighter than it was a couple of years ago. I feel that “war” is not as big possibility as it was. Now the people are trying harder for more freedom and rights. I really hope they are successful!
かつて、多くの東欧諸国では投票権が失われましたが、国民による闘争の結果、徐々に人々の手に戻りつつあります。住民による自治政府の樹立を目指す中で大きな前進を遂げている国もあります。 2、3年前に比べると、未来への展望ははるかに明るいものになっています。「戦争」が起きる可能性も以前より低下しているように感じます。東欧諸国では、人々がさらなる自由と権利を求め懸命に戦っています。彼らが勝利することを心から願ってやみません。
Any country that is controlled by the people, never starts a war. If we vote as good citizens, with our freedom and benefits in mind, the chance of getting a bad government is very low. Vote for the best government you can get!