足立美術館 1 - Adachi Museum of Art (part 1)
I have written about many things and places in the area of Matsue and have not included the Adachi Museum of Art because it has been about 17 or 18 years since I saw it last. I don’t like to write about something I have not seen recently. The other day, Mr. Imai, manager of the museum, invited me to come and see it.
So, I went. It was indeed a wise decision of mine not to write about it. The first time I saw it, there was only one building with pictures. Now, there is a huge museum with exhibits of famous artists in ceramics, oils, ink (sumi) and other forms.
This is not to mention the really beautiful gardens that surround the entire complex of buildings. They are just perfect for the museum. Of course, they look man-made because they are! However, they blend in with the surrounding mountains so well that where the man-made ends and nature begins is hard to detect. There are waterfalls of many levels, islands of moss, trees, gleaming white sand and huge stones everywhere. Truly, a lovely garden and water exhibition. Of course, we can’t walk through it on the walks, but from inside the museum, we can see it all.
We should take our time when we visit the museum, because it took me about 5 hours to make the tour with Mr. Imai. While I was there, I met the founder, Mr. Zenko Adachi. He seems very hearty and cheerful and we joked a little about this and that. His sense of humor is very good and his mind sharp. He is 90 years old and has made a really wonderful museum. When you go, take your time and appreciate it.
今井さんと一緒に5時間かけて観て回りました。皆さんにもゆっくりと時間をかけご覧になることをお勧めします。 創設者の足立全康氏にもお会いしました。いろいろと冗談を交わしましたが、温かみがあり軒昂な方という印象を受けました。氏はユーモアのセンスをお持ちで、そして聡明な方です。90歳になられる足立氏は、今日までこの美術館をここまですばらしいものにしてこられました。お出掛けの際は、十分な時間をかけてご鑑賞ください。