美保関 - Mihonoseki
I visited Mihonoseki on the 25th of April and was able to get many nice pictures, talk to some fisiherwomen selling their fish and see the site of 5-hon Matsu.There are no longer five of them. In fact, they became famous because one of them was cut down. In addition to the Miho Shrine and 5-hon Matsu, Mihonoseki is also famous for its lovely azaleas which are blooming right now! Don’t you want to take a look at them?
While in the town I met a very young and attractive lady who didn’t know about those famous trees. I would tell her name, but she might be embarassed, so, it is a secret. She was very nice and told me other things about the town.
The biggest festival is the Morota Bune Matsuri which is colorful and exciting.The population is getting smaller every year because there are few jobs for the young people.I suppose that there are about 8,000 people. It is really a charming town. I think that they never saw a foreigner before. At least, most of them. They talked to me freely though and I felt right at home. I wish I could have stayed longer.
色彩豊かでエキサイティングな諸手船祭りというお祭が、町で一番大きなお祭りです。 若い人たちの職場があまりないことから、人口は毎年減少しており、現在およそ8000人くらいだと思います。 美保関はとてもすてきな町です。町民の方たちは、これまで外国人を見たことがなかったのではないでしょうか。いらしたとしてもごくわずかだったと思います。しかし、皆さん気さくに話しかけてくださり、気が楽でした。もっと長くいたかったです。
There is a nice park at the end of the peninsula, that is impressive. The scenery is just beautiful. In the town I found some very old flagstone walks and houses. There was a well so old that no one knew how old it really was. It was big, too.
The major business is sea food, I am sure, because I saw and smelled it everywhere. It is very easy to get there and MIHO Shrine is well worth seeing. The drive is pleasant and the traffic is light. Meeting buses is quite a thrill, but part of life. The town is friendly. I will go again someday. Want to come?
至る所で目にし香りもしたことから、きっと海産物が主要産業なのだと思います。 町へは容易にアクセスできます。美保神社は一見の価値ありです。交通量もあまり多くなく、ドライブは快適です。バスに出会うのも珍しいほどですが、それがここでの日常なのです。この親しみやすい町をまたいつか訪ねてみるつもりです。皆さんもいかがですか。