松江の誇り - Pride in Matsue
In August every year, we have the Suigosai festival in Matsue, the Gaina festival in Yonago and other festivals in many towns and cities in Japan. The reason I am mentioning festivals is to compliment the people of Matsue! As usual, after the festival, there were thousands of cans and paper trash by the boxful, all over the city.
毎年八月になると、松江で水郷祭、米子でがいな祭があったりで、日本各地でさまざまな祭りが行われます。祭りのことを話している理由は、松江の市民に敬意を表したいからです。 いつものことですが、祭りの後には、町中にごみかごにいっぱいになった無数の缶や紙くずが残されています。
What made me really proud of my city of Matsue was that as soon as the festival was over, all the members of the groups responsible for making it a success, joined in and started cleaning things up. The many trash cans and boxes placed here and there were very convenient, but many people didn’t use those cans or boxes and litter was everywhere!
松江市で私が誇りに思うことは、祭りが終わったらすぐ、祭りを成功させたグループのメンバー全員が集まって掃除を始めることです。 あちこちに置いてある缶入れやごみ箱は大層便利なものですが、これを利用しない人も多く、あたり構わず散らかっています。
The cleaning groups were very eager to keep their city beautiful though, and after much hard work, it was again as spotless as it had been before the festival began. I admired their efforts! We have a very wonderful and lovely city, but I see juice cans and other trash, lying beside the roads and in the bushes along the road, all the time.
でも清掃グループは、町をきれいにしておくことに大変熱心で、苦労した後、町は再び祭りの始まる以前のようにちり一つないようになります。その努力は素晴らしいですね。 私たちの町はとってもすてきなのですが、しかしいつも道端や茂みの中にジュースの缶やごみが放られているのが見えます。
Do we need a rule to punish people who throw paper, cigarettes, cans and bottles into the roads and streets to make our splendid international city look like a dumping place for trash? Yes, we do! Our lovely city is NOT a dump!
I always carry a plastic bag in my car for trash and the bag is emptied at the gasoline station when I get gas. It is convenient and helps keep my favorite city in the world spick-and-span. Be proud of your city! Keep it beautiful for everyone!