山陰の温泉 - Spas in Sanin
I really do not like to get into the subject of hot spas, since I do not know many of them. I do know a few, however. Tamatsukuri is famous as a spa and agate center. It is the home of the magatama, which were much appreciated by royalty in ages past.
温泉のことを話題にするのはあまり気乗りしません。というのはたくさんの温泉を知っているわけではありませんので。しかし、少しは知っています。 玉造は、温泉とめのうの生産拠点として知られています。また、太古の時代に皇族がめでた曲玉のふるさとでもあります。
It is very near Matsue, but has its own train station. There is one huge outdoor hot pool which is very beautiful, and the garden there is one of the nicest I have seen.
The river through the middle of the town is warm with the overflow of the baths, and in some seasons, and at certain times, steam can be seen rising from the river. Sea gulls often go there to eat, and ducks can be seen. Most of the ducks are tame, however, and never travel.
In spring, the cherry blossoms are beautiful. Kaike is located near Yonago, and can be reached quickly by taxi. There is a lovely beach in the town, and swimming and sailing are major sports there. The pines along the coast are impressive, and the view of Mt. Daisen, from Kaike, is absolutely marvelous.
春には桜がきれいです。 皆生は米子から近く、タクシーで行けばすぐです。美しい砂浜があり、そこでは主に海水浴とボートが楽しめます。海岸沿いの松並木は印象的で、皆生から見える大山の眺めはこの上もなくすばらしいものです。
Several years ago, I used to go to Kaike and have steak barbecues with friends, among the pines close to the water. It was a very nice experience. One night I went swimming, and it was so dark, I couldn’t find the shore again until I heard a friend calling me. That was very foolish of me. I won’t do it again.
In addition to the above, there are many fine spas in the Sanin District. Yunotsu Spa has a warm spot in my heart. I spent some happy moments there with my wife. It is a very friendly town, and I wish to go again.
In mentioning spas, I must not forget my town of Matsue. It has a whole street of spas in the hotel area–Ryokan Danchi. In fact, the whole Sanin Area has spas almost everywhere.
温泉について語る際、私のふるさと、松江を忘れるわけにいきません。松江には旅館団地というホテルが密集している場所があり、街中に温泉があります。 実際、山陰地方ではほとんどどこへ行っても温泉を目にすることができます。