島根と津和野の文化 - The Culture of Shimane and Tsuwano
Tsuwano, a lovely little town where the Sagi Mai Festival is held every July, is an interesting place for a person with a liking for old Japan and its records. For one thing, it has a museum with Hokusai’s woodblock prints. Hokusai was a really great artist whose career was on the ebb at the same time as Hiroshige Ando’s was beginning.
There is also a regional history museum that was founded in 1921. It was the only one in Shimane Prefecture at that time. If you go there, ask for the Kyodo Kan. This museum, rebuilt in 1940, exhibits numbers of historical and cultural artifacts relating to this reign. Several items and autographs of Mori Ogai, Nishi Amane, and others, can be seen.
また津和野には、一九二一年に開館した郷土歴史館があります。この種の施設としては当時島根県で唯一のものでした。津和野を訪れる際は、是非ここを尋ねて見て下さい。 一九四〇年に再建された現在の郷土館には、津和野の歴史、文化にまつわる工芸品が陳列されており、森鴎外や西周が残した作品や署名などを目にする事も出来ます。
Articles in the exhibits include Tsuwano feudal, historical documents relating to the Yoro Kan–a feudal school that served as an educational center for talented men. In addition, for the real fan of history, records of Christianity in the Otome Pass, are preserved for the visitors. Numbers of art objects, and literary works of this reign are on display, giving the guests of the museum a good overview of the true historical importance of this part of the Sanin Area. Archaeological items from the Jomon Era and other periods contribute additional charm and an informative review of how old this ancient part of the Sanin Area really is.
A trip to Tsuwano will bring you close to Nima which has the largest sandglass in the world. This sight is worthy of a visit, too. There are many small towns all along Rout 9, that are reminiscent of old Japan and such a trip is refreshing, charming and restful. They are all worth seeing and even staying in for a night or two. You will never forget the experience.
津和野から少し行くと、世界最大の砂時計で知られる仁摩町があります。この砂時計は必見です。 国道9号線沿いに連なる小さな町の数々は、私に古き良き日本を思い出させてくれます。こうした旅は魅力的で心休まり、私の気分を爽快なものにしてくれます。短い時間でも十分楽しく過ごす事が出来ますが、出来れば、一、二泊したいものです。決して忘れられない旅となることと思います。